Actual development in economy, characterized with global crisis, emphasizes the importance of financial instability prediction. Financial instability in transitional countries is often predicted using the model derived using the data from companies operating in developed countries. Some researches have found that simple application of those models in different environment like transitional do not obtain the same result like when applied in developed country. Therefore, new GCE3 model was derived using the data from Croatian companies’ sample. New model, carried out by using the multiple discriminant analysis, include six independent variables that consist of solvency and liquidity ratios, as well as ratio Total revenues/total expenses. Anal...
The main aim of the master thesis is to compare of different methodologies of financial health model...
Razvoj nedepozitnog sektora u Republici Hrvatskoj, a samim time i tržišta kapitala, pretpostavlja i ...
Cílem práce je přiblížit problematiku předpovědi finanční tísně prostřednictvím predikčních modelů. ...
U ovom radu, pomoću modela za predviđanje financijske nestabilnosti, dobiveni su rezultati na teme...
U ovom radu, primjenom modela za predviđanje financijske nestabilnosti su dobiveni rezultati na teme...
U ovom radu, koristili su se modeli za predviđanje financijske nestabilnosti, te su dobiveni rezulta...
U početnom dijelu rada prikazan je regulatorni okvir stečajnog postupka te su navedeni tuzemni i i...
The issue of insolvency is significantly present in countries undergoing transition. In Croatia, the...
V sedanjem dinamičnem in nepredvidljivem gospodarskem ter finančnem okolju je napovedovanje finančne...
Da bi podjetniki boljše odločali, izvajali in nadzirali financiranje, morajo uporabljati finančno an...
Temeljni cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je identificirati simptome i razvoj poslovne krize instrument...
This research aimed to present a new bankruptcy prediction model and apply this original prediction ...
Mūsdienās, it īpaši nesenās finansiālās krīzes dēļ, arvien nozīmīgāki kļūst bankrota prognozēšanas m...
The subject of the research of this PhD thesis is a critical analysis of the application of absolute...
The approach used in this paper expands on existing research that focuses on devising prediction mod...
The main aim of the master thesis is to compare of different methodologies of financial health model...
Razvoj nedepozitnog sektora u Republici Hrvatskoj, a samim time i tržišta kapitala, pretpostavlja i ...
Cílem práce je přiblížit problematiku předpovědi finanční tísně prostřednictvím predikčních modelů. ...
U ovom radu, pomoću modela za predviđanje financijske nestabilnosti, dobiveni su rezultati na teme...
U ovom radu, primjenom modela za predviđanje financijske nestabilnosti su dobiveni rezultati na teme...
U ovom radu, koristili su se modeli za predviđanje financijske nestabilnosti, te su dobiveni rezulta...
U početnom dijelu rada prikazan je regulatorni okvir stečajnog postupka te su navedeni tuzemni i i...
The issue of insolvency is significantly present in countries undergoing transition. In Croatia, the...
V sedanjem dinamičnem in nepredvidljivem gospodarskem ter finančnem okolju je napovedovanje finančne...
Da bi podjetniki boljše odločali, izvajali in nadzirali financiranje, morajo uporabljati finančno an...
Temeljni cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je identificirati simptome i razvoj poslovne krize instrument...
This research aimed to present a new bankruptcy prediction model and apply this original prediction ...
Mūsdienās, it īpaši nesenās finansiālās krīzes dēļ, arvien nozīmīgāki kļūst bankrota prognozēšanas m...
The subject of the research of this PhD thesis is a critical analysis of the application of absolute...
The approach used in this paper expands on existing research that focuses on devising prediction mod...
The main aim of the master thesis is to compare of different methodologies of financial health model...
Razvoj nedepozitnog sektora u Republici Hrvatskoj, a samim time i tržišta kapitala, pretpostavlja i ...
Cílem práce je přiblížit problematiku předpovědi finanční tísně prostřednictvím predikčních modelů. ...