U ovom radu istražila se mogućnost odsumporavanja FCC benzina metodom kapljevinske ekstrakcije pomoću dva otapala (sulfolan i furfural). Eksperimenti su se proveli u svrhu određivanja najučinkovitijeg otapala s obzirom na procesne parametre; temperaturu, vrijeme ekstrakcije i omjer otapalo / FCC benzin, te se ispitao utjecaj stupnjeva ekstrakcije na količinu zaostalog sumpora u uzorku nakon procesa ekstrakcije. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da se niži sadržaj sumpora postigao u uzorcima koji su bili podvrgnuti ekstrakciji sulfolanom pri temperaturi od 50 şC i omjerima otapalo / FCC benzin iznad 2. Navedeni rezultati su se potvrdili statističkom analizom procesa ekstrakcijske desulfurizacije sulfolanom upotrebom 23 cjelovitog faktorskog plana....
Our contribution demonstrates a new way of fuel desulfurization, namely selective oxidation of organ...
The presence of sulphur in crude oil poses enormous challenges as regards its negative environmental...
Environmental concerns have introduced a need to remove sulfur‐containing compounds from oil. As oxi...
U ovom radu istražila se mogućnost odsumporavanja FCC benzina metodom kapljevinske ekstrakcije pomoć...
U posljednje vrijeme postavljaju se stroge norme o kvaliteti goriva i sadržaju dozvoljenih sumporovi...
Abstract Desulphurization of FCC gasoline and diesel fuels has been investigated by chemical oxidati...
Naftni proizvodi (ukapljeni naftni plin , dizelska goriva, motorni benzini) se primarno koriste kao ...
Environmental regulations have been introduced in many countries around the world to reduce the sulf...
Heightened concerns for cleaner air and increasingly more stringent regulations on sulphur content i...
Obradom sirove nafte moguće je dobiti različite proizvode visoke vrijednosti. Jedan od takvih proizv...
Venezuelan refineries are going to be dealing in the near future with VGOs (vacuum gas oil) feedstoc...
Heightened concerns for cleaner air and increasingly more stringent regulations on sulphur content ...
This work discusses the processes for removing sulfur from fuels, and problems related thereto, incl...
In the oil and gas production process, apart from hydrocarbons, a number of impurities are produced,...
This thesis describes the development of a simplified catalytic system for the deep removal of sulfu...
Our contribution demonstrates a new way of fuel desulfurization, namely selective oxidation of organ...
The presence of sulphur in crude oil poses enormous challenges as regards its negative environmental...
Environmental concerns have introduced a need to remove sulfur‐containing compounds from oil. As oxi...
U ovom radu istražila se mogućnost odsumporavanja FCC benzina metodom kapljevinske ekstrakcije pomoć...
U posljednje vrijeme postavljaju se stroge norme o kvaliteti goriva i sadržaju dozvoljenih sumporovi...
Abstract Desulphurization of FCC gasoline and diesel fuels has been investigated by chemical oxidati...
Naftni proizvodi (ukapljeni naftni plin , dizelska goriva, motorni benzini) se primarno koriste kao ...
Environmental regulations have been introduced in many countries around the world to reduce the sulf...
Heightened concerns for cleaner air and increasingly more stringent regulations on sulphur content i...
Obradom sirove nafte moguće je dobiti različite proizvode visoke vrijednosti. Jedan od takvih proizv...
Venezuelan refineries are going to be dealing in the near future with VGOs (vacuum gas oil) feedstoc...
Heightened concerns for cleaner air and increasingly more stringent regulations on sulphur content ...
This work discusses the processes for removing sulfur from fuels, and problems related thereto, incl...
In the oil and gas production process, apart from hydrocarbons, a number of impurities are produced,...
This thesis describes the development of a simplified catalytic system for the deep removal of sulfu...
Our contribution demonstrates a new way of fuel desulfurization, namely selective oxidation of organ...
The presence of sulphur in crude oil poses enormous challenges as regards its negative environmental...
Environmental concerns have introduced a need to remove sulfur‐containing compounds from oil. As oxi...