Plućna infekcija izazvana organizmom Nocardia asteroides: prikaz slučaja

  • Ines Jajić-Benčić
  • Petar Gaćina
  • Vera Katalinić-Janković
  • Ivan Benčić
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Publication date
January 2002
Sestre Milosrdnice University hospital and Institute of Clinical Medical Research


Presentation is made of a 53-year-old woman with pulmonary infection caused by Nocardia asteroides. Tracheal aspirate was obtained and examined microbiologically. Direct smear of the tracheal aspirate stained with Gram stain revealed gram-positive branched filamentous hyphae and numerous leukocytes. Pure culture of colonies of a chalky white appearance grew on the blood agar after prolonged incubation. The Gram stained direct slide prepared from the culture showed gram-positive branching filaments. The microorganism was identified as Nocardia asteroides by standard methods.Prikazana je 53-godišnja bolesnica s plućnom infekcijom uzrokovanom mikroorganizmom Nocardia asteroides. Uzet joj je trahealni aspirat i pretražen je mikrobiološki. U dir...

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