Najnovije izdanje Međunarodnog kodeksa botaničke nomenklature stupilo je na snagu mijenom milenija, 1. siječnja 2001. godine. Ono ukida sva prethodna izdanja. Rad je slobodan prikaz brojnih pravila, preporuka i primjera iz Kodeksa za znanstveno imenovanje biljaka, uključivši modrozelene alge, gljive, lišajeve, fotosintetske protiste, recentne i fosilne, kao i za imenovanje križanaca. Izvan sadržaja Kodeksa, autori su dodali primjere i odstupanja od pravila za gramatički rod imena rodova i vrsta, te dio o izgovoru i naglascima znanstvenih botaničkih imena.The latest edition of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature has taken effect at the change of millenia, on January 1, 2001. It supersedes all previous editions. This paper gives ...
Many plant species are mentioned as Christmas-symbols. This article presents description (morpholog...
International code of botanical nomenclature : what will soon change. -The last International Botani...
Plant names of “Dictionary of plant names” Main purpose of work – “Dictionary of plant names“, which...
Najnovije izdanje Međunarodnog kodeksa botaničke nomenklature stupilo je na snagu mijenom milenija, ...
U razdoblju od skoro 250 godina počevši od prvoga izdanja Linnéovog djela "Species Plantarum" iz 175...
Kodeks uzgajanog bilja sustav je pravila, preporuka, primjera i bilješki za imenovanje uzgajanog bil...
Slovenska botanična terminologija doslej še ni bila sistematično obdelana. Zato je v diplomski nalog...
Due to the forthcoming obligation to thoroughly catalogue and officially register all living and non...
In this paper, the plant lists of the woody and herbaceous members of Paeoniaceae and Hypericaceae f...
In this paper, the plant lists of glasshouse succulents grown in the Botanical Garden from 1895 to 2...
This is a short review of the final official version of the International Code of Phytocenological ...
PrefaceThis is the official Report on the deliberations and decisions of the ten sessions of the Nom...
The rules that govern scientific naming in botany (including phycology and mycology) are revised at ...
Dosad su u Glasniku Hrvatskog botaničkog društva objavljena tri priloga koja popis flore Hrvatske i ...
Auf der Basis der Regeln des International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) wird die Gültigkeit...
Many plant species are mentioned as Christmas-symbols. This article presents description (morpholog...
International code of botanical nomenclature : what will soon change. -The last International Botani...
Plant names of “Dictionary of plant names” Main purpose of work – “Dictionary of plant names“, which...
Najnovije izdanje Međunarodnog kodeksa botaničke nomenklature stupilo je na snagu mijenom milenija, ...
U razdoblju od skoro 250 godina počevši od prvoga izdanja Linnéovog djela "Species Plantarum" iz 175...
Kodeks uzgajanog bilja sustav je pravila, preporuka, primjera i bilješki za imenovanje uzgajanog bil...
Slovenska botanična terminologija doslej še ni bila sistematično obdelana. Zato je v diplomski nalog...
Due to the forthcoming obligation to thoroughly catalogue and officially register all living and non...
In this paper, the plant lists of the woody and herbaceous members of Paeoniaceae and Hypericaceae f...
In this paper, the plant lists of glasshouse succulents grown in the Botanical Garden from 1895 to 2...
This is a short review of the final official version of the International Code of Phytocenological ...
PrefaceThis is the official Report on the deliberations and decisions of the ten sessions of the Nom...
The rules that govern scientific naming in botany (including phycology and mycology) are revised at ...
Dosad su u Glasniku Hrvatskog botaničkog društva objavljena tri priloga koja popis flore Hrvatske i ...
Auf der Basis der Regeln des International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) wird die Gültigkeit...
Many plant species are mentioned as Christmas-symbols. This article presents description (morpholog...
International code of botanical nomenclature : what will soon change. -The last International Botani...
Plant names of “Dictionary of plant names” Main purpose of work – “Dictionary of plant names“, which...