Perbedaan Lama Lepas Tali Pusat Perawatan dengan Menggunakan Kasa Steril Dibandingkan Kasa Alkohol di Desa Bowan Kecamatan Delanggu

  • Utami, D. G. (Deffy)
  • Sulastri, S. (Sulastri)
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Publication date
January 2010
Muhammadiyah University Surakarta


Infection still be the main causes of illness and died on neonates. Based on the survey of demography and healthy in Indonesia 2002-2003, the amount of infant die in 2002-2003 is 35 per 1000 lively born, and the amount of neonatus die is 20 per 1000 lively born. Umbilical cord is port de entry of infection that can causes sepsis Fastly. The technique to maintenance of that clean is the main principle to prevent sepsis caused umbilical cord infection. Based on study in Bowan Delanggu Region on 2009, neonates birth a year there is 120 infant with the amount fertile age pair there is 326. There is no hospital or community health center, there just a clinic. Infant that was born in clinic have a maintenance care one day only, after that infant ...

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