Název: Vliv pohybové intervence na muskuloskeletální systém u pacientů před a po plánované bariatrické operaci. Cíle: Hlavním cílem této studie bylo zhodnotit vliv tříměsíční pohybové intervence na vývoj statické posturální stability, muskuloskeletální bolesti, kvality života související se zdravím a fyzické zdatnosti jedinců s obezitou před a po bariatrické operaci. Metody: Jedná se o monocentrickou prospektivní nerandomizovanou studii. Do studie bylo zařazeno 25 pacientů obou pohlaví ve věku od 40 do 57 let (BMI 36-49 kg/m2 ). Soubor pacientů byl rozdělen na intervenční a kontrolní skupinu. Intervenční skupina (INT, n = 7; věk 48,9 ± 5,6 let; BMI 40,6 ± 5,5 kg/m2 ) absolvovala 3 měsíční odporově aerobní pohybový program s frekvencí cvičen...
INTRODUÇÃO: A obesidade é uma doença universal de prevalência crescente e vem adquirindo proporções ...
Trabalho Final do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina apresentado à Faculdade de MedicinaO excesso de pes...
To investigate what are the effects of pre-surgical aerobic dance-based exercise programme (PSADBE) ...
Title: Influence of physical intervention on the musculoskeletal system in patients before and after...
Title: The effect of movement program on static postural stability in individuals after bariatric su...
Title: The effect of movement program on static postural stability in individuals after bariatric su...
Title: The Effect of Exercise Intervention on Physical Fitness and Quality of Life in Patients after...
Title: The Effect of Exercise Intervention on Physical Fitness and Quality of Life in Patients after...
Práce je zaměřena na sledování a hodnocení pohybového režimu, změn posturálních stereotypů a bolestí...
Title: Evaluation of physiotherapeutical effect in patients after bariatric surgery. Objectives: The...
Title: Evaluation of physiotherapeutical effect in patients after bariatric surgery. Objectives: The...
Title of thesis: Physiotherapy for bariatric surgery patients Abstract: This bachelor thesis is focu...
Bariatric surgery is considered the gold-standard therapeutic intervention for severe obesity, a for...
The Bachelors thesis ,,Obesity, osteoartrhritis and physical activity" is focused on monitoring and ...
INTRODUÇÃO: A obesidade é uma doença universal de prevalência crescente e vem adquirindo proporções ...
INTRODUÇÃO: A obesidade é uma doença universal de prevalência crescente e vem adquirindo proporções ...
Trabalho Final do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina apresentado à Faculdade de MedicinaO excesso de pes...
To investigate what are the effects of pre-surgical aerobic dance-based exercise programme (PSADBE) ...
Title: Influence of physical intervention on the musculoskeletal system in patients before and after...
Title: The effect of movement program on static postural stability in individuals after bariatric su...
Title: The effect of movement program on static postural stability in individuals after bariatric su...
Title: The Effect of Exercise Intervention on Physical Fitness and Quality of Life in Patients after...
Title: The Effect of Exercise Intervention on Physical Fitness and Quality of Life in Patients after...
Práce je zaměřena na sledování a hodnocení pohybového režimu, změn posturálních stereotypů a bolestí...
Title: Evaluation of physiotherapeutical effect in patients after bariatric surgery. Objectives: The...
Title: Evaluation of physiotherapeutical effect in patients after bariatric surgery. Objectives: The...
Title of thesis: Physiotherapy for bariatric surgery patients Abstract: This bachelor thesis is focu...
Bariatric surgery is considered the gold-standard therapeutic intervention for severe obesity, a for...
The Bachelors thesis ,,Obesity, osteoartrhritis and physical activity" is focused on monitoring and ...
INTRODUÇÃO: A obesidade é uma doença universal de prevalência crescente e vem adquirindo proporções ...
INTRODUÇÃO: A obesidade é uma doença universal de prevalência crescente e vem adquirindo proporções ...
Trabalho Final do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina apresentado à Faculdade de MedicinaO excesso de pes...
To investigate what are the effects of pre-surgical aerobic dance-based exercise programme (PSADBE) ...