Proteiny z rodiny Bcl-2 jsou již po více než tři desetiletí předmětem intenzivního výzkumu, a to zejména pro jejich klíčovou roli v principiálním modu regulované buněčné smrti - apoptóze. V posledním desetiletí se Bcl-2 proteiny stále více propojují s rozmanitými buněčnými signalizacemi a je nyní kladen důraz i na jejich roli v regulaci buněčného metabolismu a respiraci. V této práci jsme analyzovali roli Bcl-2 proteinů pomocí jejich eliminace ve vybraných nádorových liniích metodou CRISPR-Cas12a a následné analýzy mitochondriální respirace, glykolýzy a hladiny klíčových metabolitů. Naše výsledky potvrdily vliv Bcl-2 proteinů na úroveň mitochondriální respirace, přičemž eliminace anti-apoptotických proteinů Bcl-2, Bcl-XL či Mcl-1 dokázala s...
Apoptosis plays a complementary and opposite role to that of mitosis and is vital to the natural dev...
Les agents anti-microtubules (MTAs), comme les taxanes et les vinca-alcaloïdes, sont des anticancére...
Programmed cell death, or apoptosis, is important for the development and homeostasis of tissues. To...
Proteins from the Bcl-2 family are now for over 30 years widely studied mainly for their key role in...
The Bcl-2 (Bcl is B-cell lymphocytic-leukaemia proto-oncogene) family comprises two groups of protei...
Apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death. It is physiological mechanism mediating catabolism of ...
AbstractThe localization and control of Bcl-2 proteins on mitochondria is essential for the intrinsi...
During apoptosis, p53 translocates to the mitochondria where it exerts a pro-apoptotic function by a...
Mitochondria play an essential role in the regulation of cellular stress responses, including cell d...
AbstractThe Bcl-2 family of proteins plays a pivotal role in regulating cell life and death. Many of...
Significance: Mitochondria play a critical role as death amplifiers during drug-induced apoptosis in...
AbstractThe localization and control of Bcl-2 proteins on mitochondria is essential for the intrinsi...
A vast portion of human disease results when the process of apoptosis is defective. Disorders result...
Les protéines de la famille Bcl-2 sont des régulateurs-clés de l’apoptose (mort cellulaire), qui agi...
A key ampLificatory mechanism of programmed cell death depends on the release of proapoptotic factor...
Apoptosis plays a complementary and opposite role to that of mitosis and is vital to the natural dev...
Les agents anti-microtubules (MTAs), comme les taxanes et les vinca-alcaloïdes, sont des anticancére...
Programmed cell death, or apoptosis, is important for the development and homeostasis of tissues. To...
Proteins from the Bcl-2 family are now for over 30 years widely studied mainly for their key role in...
The Bcl-2 (Bcl is B-cell lymphocytic-leukaemia proto-oncogene) family comprises two groups of protei...
Apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death. It is physiological mechanism mediating catabolism of ...
AbstractThe localization and control of Bcl-2 proteins on mitochondria is essential for the intrinsi...
During apoptosis, p53 translocates to the mitochondria where it exerts a pro-apoptotic function by a...
Mitochondria play an essential role in the regulation of cellular stress responses, including cell d...
AbstractThe Bcl-2 family of proteins plays a pivotal role in regulating cell life and death. Many of...
Significance: Mitochondria play a critical role as death amplifiers during drug-induced apoptosis in...
AbstractThe localization and control of Bcl-2 proteins on mitochondria is essential for the intrinsi...
A vast portion of human disease results when the process of apoptosis is defective. Disorders result...
Les protéines de la famille Bcl-2 sont des régulateurs-clés de l’apoptose (mort cellulaire), qui agi...
A key ampLificatory mechanism of programmed cell death depends on the release of proapoptotic factor...
Apoptosis plays a complementary and opposite role to that of mitosis and is vital to the natural dev...
Les agents anti-microtubules (MTAs), comme les taxanes et les vinca-alcaloïdes, sont des anticancére...
Programmed cell death, or apoptosis, is important for the development and homeostasis of tissues. To...