Acupuncture, in conjunction with moxibustion and the use of medicinal herbs, was developed in Ancient China, and is part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine. These practices were subsequently disseminated in Japan, and their further development gave rise to the Traditional Japanese Medicine. After the 17th century AD, these medical practices were disseminated in the West, mainly through the groundbreaking work of scientists and doctors, Willem Ten Rhijne and Engelbert Kaempfer. Central to this process was the existence of the Dutch Trading Post in Deshima Island, in the Bay of Nagasaki, which constituted the sole point of contact between Japan and the West for centuries. Owing to individual initiative and an established tradition of cultura...
Traditional Japanese Medicine originated from traditional Chinese medicine and was first introduced ...
It is thought that it appears in Central Asia in the form at the Stone Age, and it was brought by Ch...
While the term ‘hybridisation ’ is particularly well suited to describe innovations consisting of (...
Acupuncture, in conjunction with moxibustion and the use of medicinal herbs, was developed in Ancien...
The impressive cultural aura of China blocks the view of its neighbouring countries far too easily. ...
近世東西交流における医学// 情報発信地としての「鎖国日本」// 和漢医学に関心を寄せる南蛮人 // 日欧医師の継続的交流を可能にしたオランダ商館の移転 // 足痛風の治療薬としての「Moxa」// ...
International audienceIn the last XVIIth century, three agents of the Dutch East India Company worki...
先行研究の概略、お灸と灸術、鍼術、馬の鍼灸治療、解剖学、生理学、脈診、中国宣教師の観察Early research has maintained that the earliest passage o...
Acupuncture has been used in China for at least 4,000 years and according to some authorities was sa...
Introduce of oriental medicine. Although origin is China, it had developed in own countries style. I...
Although commonly regarded as a late twentieth century phenomenon, acupuncture use in Britain has a ...
International audienceHow come that acupuncture, discovered by Europe at the end of the XVIIth centu...
This thesis discusses the topic of Chinese and Japanese medicine – i.e. moxibustion, acupuncture, an...
The history of acupuncture dates back to 2000 to 3000 years.It originated from China and has been ad...
Paper presented at the Tenth International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia. Jiao-T...
Traditional Japanese Medicine originated from traditional Chinese medicine and was first introduced ...
It is thought that it appears in Central Asia in the form at the Stone Age, and it was brought by Ch...
While the term ‘hybridisation ’ is particularly well suited to describe innovations consisting of (...
Acupuncture, in conjunction with moxibustion and the use of medicinal herbs, was developed in Ancien...
The impressive cultural aura of China blocks the view of its neighbouring countries far too easily. ...
近世東西交流における医学// 情報発信地としての「鎖国日本」// 和漢医学に関心を寄せる南蛮人 // 日欧医師の継続的交流を可能にしたオランダ商館の移転 // 足痛風の治療薬としての「Moxa」// ...
International audienceIn the last XVIIth century, three agents of the Dutch East India Company worki...
先行研究の概略、お灸と灸術、鍼術、馬の鍼灸治療、解剖学、生理学、脈診、中国宣教師の観察Early research has maintained that the earliest passage o...
Acupuncture has been used in China for at least 4,000 years and according to some authorities was sa...
Introduce of oriental medicine. Although origin is China, it had developed in own countries style. I...
Although commonly regarded as a late twentieth century phenomenon, acupuncture use in Britain has a ...
International audienceHow come that acupuncture, discovered by Europe at the end of the XVIIth centu...
This thesis discusses the topic of Chinese and Japanese medicine – i.e. moxibustion, acupuncture, an...
The history of acupuncture dates back to 2000 to 3000 years.It originated from China and has been ad...
Paper presented at the Tenth International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia. Jiao-T...
Traditional Japanese Medicine originated from traditional Chinese medicine and was first introduced ...
It is thought that it appears in Central Asia in the form at the Stone Age, and it was brought by Ch...
While the term ‘hybridisation ’ is particularly well suited to describe innovations consisting of (...