Conventional marketing carried out by companies often require huge costs. Companies advertise their products on television, spread flyers and billboards in many places, conduct sales promotion like crazy, and so forth. Smaller companies generally have a modest marketing budget so it is difficult to compete with the marketing done by large companies. Some small companies try to find an alternative to using non-conventional ways of marketing, known as guerrilla marketing. One characteristic of guerrilla marketing is a low cost but has elements, creative, sensation, unique, humor, and surprises. Nowadays, guerrilla marketing is also done by major companies such as McDonald's, Nike, FedEx and many others
In present economic scenario, people are exposed to a greater number of commercial messages which ca...
In the recent years, there has been an increase of use in guerrilla marketing across the industry. T...
Guerrilla marketing is the selection of atypical and non-dogmatic marketing activities that aim to a...
Conventional marketing carried out by companies often require huge costs. Companies advertise their ...
The guerrilla marketing concept, which was created by Jay Conrad Levinson in 1984, implies an unconv...
Guerilla Marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on low-cost marketing tactics mostly adop...
This study examines the relationships, similarities, and differences among traditional advertising a...
Guerrilla marketing is defined as an advertising strategy, in which low-cost unconventional means ar...
In this economic and conventional world, company doing conventional things unconventionally. Company...
AbstractThis study examines the relationships, similarities, and differences among traditional adver...
Guerrilla marketing is a marketing tactic in which a company uses surprise and/or unconventional int...
The authors seek to address issues relevant for the company to attract more customers, increase sale...
In the 21st Century, businesses have maximized the opportunities of media advertising to communicate...
Introduction: One is under continuous influence of commercials and advertisements each day, it has r...
A reason as to why many startups fail is poor marketing. Due to scarce financial resources, startups...
In present economic scenario, people are exposed to a greater number of commercial messages which ca...
In the recent years, there has been an increase of use in guerrilla marketing across the industry. T...
Guerrilla marketing is the selection of atypical and non-dogmatic marketing activities that aim to a...
Conventional marketing carried out by companies often require huge costs. Companies advertise their ...
The guerrilla marketing concept, which was created by Jay Conrad Levinson in 1984, implies an unconv...
Guerilla Marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on low-cost marketing tactics mostly adop...
This study examines the relationships, similarities, and differences among traditional advertising a...
Guerrilla marketing is defined as an advertising strategy, in which low-cost unconventional means ar...
In this economic and conventional world, company doing conventional things unconventionally. Company...
AbstractThis study examines the relationships, similarities, and differences among traditional adver...
Guerrilla marketing is a marketing tactic in which a company uses surprise and/or unconventional int...
The authors seek to address issues relevant for the company to attract more customers, increase sale...
In the 21st Century, businesses have maximized the opportunities of media advertising to communicate...
Introduction: One is under continuous influence of commercials and advertisements each day, it has r...
A reason as to why many startups fail is poor marketing. Due to scarce financial resources, startups...
In present economic scenario, people are exposed to a greater number of commercial messages which ca...
In the recent years, there has been an increase of use in guerrilla marketing across the industry. T...
Guerrilla marketing is the selection of atypical and non-dogmatic marketing activities that aim to a...