Zadatak ovog diplomskog rada je dimenzionirati nosač kranske staze prema normama Eurocode 3 – Part 6, a prije toga je potrebno izračunati sile djelovanja dizalice na nosač prema normama Eurocode 1 – Part 3. U sklopu rada na osnovu danih zahtjeva izveden je analitički proračun svih potrebnih komponenti te je prema tome dimenzioniran nosač koji zadovoljava nosivosti krana do 155 kN.The task of this thesis is to dimension the crane track girder according to Eurocode 3 - Part 6, and before that it is necessary to calculate the forces of the crane on the girder according to Eurocode 1 - Part 3. As part of the work based on the given requirements and therefore a beam is dimensioned that satisfies the load capacity of the crane up to 155 kN