Tema ovog diplomskog rada je analiza Koncerta za mješoviti zbor Alfreda Schnittkea. Koncert ima četiri stavka od kojih je svaki drugačije oblikovan. Tekst preuzet iz Knjige tužaljki uvelike je utjecao na mikrostrukturu stavaka, pa i na sam oblik. Skladatelj upotrebljava jednostavne motive koji se protežu kroz sve stavke te ih maksimalno iskorištava.The topic of this thesis is analysis Choncerto for Mixed Chorus by Alfred Schnittke. The Concert has four movements, each of which is formed differently. The text taken from the Book of Lamentations has greatly affected the microstructure of the movements, as well as the form itself. The composer uses simple motifs that are used throughout the movement and makes the most of them