DergiPark: 326313trakyasobedThis paper lays down the path from the period of the European Renaissance until the present time of how economists and geographers finally came together in their pursuit of explaining economic phenomenon taking into account geographical features based on the concept of location. Underlying this path is the fact that social sciences cannot be taken one by one and independently from each other: One cannot separate economics, political science, political economy, anthropology, sociology, psychology and arts from geography and history. Moreover, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy as well as mathematics and statistics also interact with this big picture. It is due to this synthesis aspect that today as a result, f...
Yeni Ekonomik Coğrafya, bölgeler arası iktisadi farkları açıklarken mekânsal özellikleri de göz önün...
One difference between economists and geographers is the significance attached by the former to styl...
This paper takes issue with Paul Krugman's claim that the New Economic Geography should be considere...
Geleneksel olarak, iktisadi düşünce ekonomik faaliyetlerin meydana geldiği yer kavramını, demek ki t...
ÖZETMEKAN TEORİLERİNDEN YENİ İKTİSADİ COĞRAFYAYAMekan ve coğrafya iktisatçılar tarafından iktisat bi...
The new economic geography literature has recently developed a significant framework for integrating...
Coğrafi keşifler, bilinenin aslında gerçeği yansıtmadığı inancı ile mutlak gerçekliğe ulaşma çabasın...
Traditionally, mainstream economics has largely neglected the location of economic ac-tivity, that i...
In the lifetime of the Journal of Economic Geography geographers and economists have followed diverg...
Paul Krugman has clarified the microeconomic underpinnings of both spatial economic agglomerations a...
textabstractGeographical economics (also known as the new economic geography) is a recent approach ...
This paper provides a bird-eye overview of the history of spatial economic theory. It is organized a...
Paul Krugman has been awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics "for his analysis of trade patterns ...
Tüm teori, tamamen doğru olmayan varsayımlara bağlıdır. Teoriyi oluşturan da budur. Başarılı bir kur...
19 yy’de başlayan ve günümüze kadar yeni bilimlerin ortaya çıkışı ve uzmanlaşma ile devam eden süre...
Yeni Ekonomik Coğrafya, bölgeler arası iktisadi farkları açıklarken mekânsal özellikleri de göz önün...
One difference between economists and geographers is the significance attached by the former to styl...
This paper takes issue with Paul Krugman's claim that the New Economic Geography should be considere...
Geleneksel olarak, iktisadi düşünce ekonomik faaliyetlerin meydana geldiği yer kavramını, demek ki t...
ÖZETMEKAN TEORİLERİNDEN YENİ İKTİSADİ COĞRAFYAYAMekan ve coğrafya iktisatçılar tarafından iktisat bi...
The new economic geography literature has recently developed a significant framework for integrating...
Coğrafi keşifler, bilinenin aslında gerçeği yansıtmadığı inancı ile mutlak gerçekliğe ulaşma çabasın...
Traditionally, mainstream economics has largely neglected the location of economic ac-tivity, that i...
In the lifetime of the Journal of Economic Geography geographers and economists have followed diverg...
Paul Krugman has clarified the microeconomic underpinnings of both spatial economic agglomerations a...
textabstractGeographical economics (also known as the new economic geography) is a recent approach ...
This paper provides a bird-eye overview of the history of spatial economic theory. It is organized a...
Paul Krugman has been awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics "for his analysis of trade patterns ...
Tüm teori, tamamen doğru olmayan varsayımlara bağlıdır. Teoriyi oluşturan da budur. Başarılı bir kur...
19 yy’de başlayan ve günümüze kadar yeni bilimlerin ortaya çıkışı ve uzmanlaşma ile devam eden süre...
Yeni Ekonomik Coğrafya, bölgeler arası iktisadi farkları açıklarken mekânsal özellikleri de göz önün...
One difference between economists and geographers is the significance attached by the former to styl...
This paper takes issue with Paul Krugman's claim that the New Economic Geography should be considere...