Klijavost je jedna od najvažnijih pokazatelja kakvoće sjemena. Što je klijavost bolja, to će rezultati u sjetvi biti bolji, biljka će biti otpornija na bolesti i štetnike. U današnje vrijeme koriste se razne alternative u povećanju klijavosti no većina njih je šteta za ljudsko zdravlje. U posljednje vrijeme sve je češća primjena laserskog zračenje u vidu koherentnog svijetla. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi utjecaj laserskog zračenja na klijavost sjemena konoplje. Sjeme je tretirano trima laserima jačine 100, 200 i 500 mW u tri različite duljine trajanja (10, 30 i 60 sekundi). Smanjenje energije klijanja i standardne klijavosti utvrđeno je kod svih tretiranih uzoraka, a posebno kod uzoraka tretiranih 500 mW laserom.Germination is one of ...
This work discusses the laser irradiation effects on tomato seeds (Solanum lycopersicum L), regardin...
The aim of the experiments was to study the influence of irradiating soybean seeds (Glycine max, cul...
In these investigations, the effect of laser light on the early stage of development of poppy was an...
Klijavost je jedan od važnih pokazatelja kakvoće sjemena, jer ukoliko je klijanje brže, postići će s...
Ambrozija je jedan od najznačajnijih korova u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Biljka godišnje proizved...
The paper describes two successive sets of experiments of low-power diode laser treatment of corn ke...
Laser stimulation is a non-expensive and environmentally safe way of the improving of seeds quality....
Pšenica je jedna od najpopularnijih žitarica na svijetu. Klijavost je jedan od najvažnijih pokazatel...
Caper seeds present difficulties in their germination, which has been studied by several research te...
Additional illumination with red light produced by laser diodes in continuous and different exposure...
The stimulation of the seed germination rate may be one of the ways to prevent environmental attacks...
Sub-optimal storage of grains could deteriorate seed germination and plant viability. Recent researc...
Sainfoin seeds were irradiated by four different lasers (He-Ne laser, three semiconductor lasers of ...
The study presented herein concerns the effect of pre-sowing stimulation of scorzonera seeds with He...
Additional illumination with red light produced by laser diodes in continuous and different exposure...
This work discusses the laser irradiation effects on tomato seeds (Solanum lycopersicum L), regardin...
The aim of the experiments was to study the influence of irradiating soybean seeds (Glycine max, cul...
In these investigations, the effect of laser light on the early stage of development of poppy was an...
Klijavost je jedan od važnih pokazatelja kakvoće sjemena, jer ukoliko je klijanje brže, postići će s...
Ambrozija je jedan od najznačajnijih korova u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Biljka godišnje proizved...
The paper describes two successive sets of experiments of low-power diode laser treatment of corn ke...
Laser stimulation is a non-expensive and environmentally safe way of the improving of seeds quality....
Pšenica je jedna od najpopularnijih žitarica na svijetu. Klijavost je jedan od najvažnijih pokazatel...
Caper seeds present difficulties in their germination, which has been studied by several research te...
Additional illumination with red light produced by laser diodes in continuous and different exposure...
The stimulation of the seed germination rate may be one of the ways to prevent environmental attacks...
Sub-optimal storage of grains could deteriorate seed germination and plant viability. Recent researc...
Sainfoin seeds were irradiated by four different lasers (He-Ne laser, three semiconductor lasers of ...
The study presented herein concerns the effect of pre-sowing stimulation of scorzonera seeds with He...
Additional illumination with red light produced by laser diodes in continuous and different exposure...
This work discusses the laser irradiation effects on tomato seeds (Solanum lycopersicum L), regardin...
The aim of the experiments was to study the influence of irradiating soybean seeds (Glycine max, cul...
In these investigations, the effect of laser light on the early stage of development of poppy was an...