Filipini so otoška država v Jugovzhodni Aziji, ki danes šteje več kot 100 milijonov prebivalcev. Filipinci, kot splošno označeno prebivalstvo te države, pa so skozi svojo zgodovino doživeli marsikaj, bili so pod vplivom različnih narodov in ver, ki so jih po eni strani zatirali, po drugi strani pa so jim nudili tutorstvo. Med državami, ki so pustile največji pečat na Filipine, moramo vsekakor upoštevati ZDA. Diplomsko delo obravnava ameriško-filipinske odnose, in sicer od njihovega samega začetka, ko so ZDA na prelomu 20. stoletja pridobili Filipine na podlagi dogovora s Španijo, preko trenutka, ko so se od ZDA tudi osamosvojili, posveča pa se tudi ameriško-filipinskim odnosom po tem, ko so Filipini že bili samostojni. Že v preteklosti so o...
Práce popisuje vztahy mezi USA a Mexikem v období druhé poloviny 19. století, mexické revoluce a prv...
During the Cold War, the Philippines was an indispensable US ally, and this was still basically the ...
Abstract The research examines the U.S. approach to the independence of the Philippines and its sta...
Mexiko a USA -- rozvojová země s teprve velmi krátkou tradicí demokracie a světově nejvyspělejší eko...
Sejak masa penjajahan hingga merdeka pada tahun 1946, hubungan bilateral Filipina dan AS tidak lepas...
Since 1898, when the United States acquired possession of the Philippines from Spain, both sides hav...
This bachelor thesis analyzes the security cooperation between the United States and the Philippine ...
Prekid suradnje Jugoslavije i Sovjetskog Saveza imao je ključnu ulogu u promijeni smjera jugoslavens...
The Philippines started to be known in Europe when Ferdinand Magellan set foot on Samar island in Ma...
Since its attainment of independence in 1946, the Philippines has conducted its foreign policy in cl...
As one of the few nations in the world (and the only one in the vicinity of China) to be a former co...
Hubungan antara Filipina dan Amerika Serikat memiliki sejarah yang panjang, hubungan keduanya dimula...
This article has been delivered by the author for the 1988 Florence Macaulay Distinguished Lecture o...
The Philippines and the U.S. united by historical ties, long associations and mutual interest regard...
This thesis covers the first Philippine Independence Mission made to the United States in the early ...
Práce popisuje vztahy mezi USA a Mexikem v období druhé poloviny 19. století, mexické revoluce a prv...
During the Cold War, the Philippines was an indispensable US ally, and this was still basically the ...
Abstract The research examines the U.S. approach to the independence of the Philippines and its sta...
Mexiko a USA -- rozvojová země s teprve velmi krátkou tradicí demokracie a světově nejvyspělejší eko...
Sejak masa penjajahan hingga merdeka pada tahun 1946, hubungan bilateral Filipina dan AS tidak lepas...
Since 1898, when the United States acquired possession of the Philippines from Spain, both sides hav...
This bachelor thesis analyzes the security cooperation between the United States and the Philippine ...
Prekid suradnje Jugoslavije i Sovjetskog Saveza imao je ključnu ulogu u promijeni smjera jugoslavens...
The Philippines started to be known in Europe when Ferdinand Magellan set foot on Samar island in Ma...
Since its attainment of independence in 1946, the Philippines has conducted its foreign policy in cl...
As one of the few nations in the world (and the only one in the vicinity of China) to be a former co...
Hubungan antara Filipina dan Amerika Serikat memiliki sejarah yang panjang, hubungan keduanya dimula...
This article has been delivered by the author for the 1988 Florence Macaulay Distinguished Lecture o...
The Philippines and the U.S. united by historical ties, long associations and mutual interest regard...
This thesis covers the first Philippine Independence Mission made to the United States in the early ...
Práce popisuje vztahy mezi USA a Mexikem v období druhé poloviny 19. století, mexické revoluce a prv...
During the Cold War, the Philippines was an indispensable US ally, and this was still basically the ...
Abstract The research examines the U.S. approach to the independence of the Philippines and its sta...