Literatura etničnih Korejcev na Japonskem predstavlja izredno zanimivo področje za literarno raziskovanje. Zaradi družbenih in zgodovinskih okoliščin so se tekom časa literarni trendi v njej spreminjali: literatura je etničnim Korejcem na Japonskem služila kot sredstvo upora, bila jim je orodje, s katerim so opozarjali na družbeno neenakost in v pomoč pri iskanju svoje identitete. Pisatelj in scenarist Kaneshiro Kazuki, ki se ga uvršča v literate tretje generacije, s svojim ustvarjanjem presega okvire literature diaspore: njegova dela so del popularne literature in zanje je značilna multimedialnost. V svojih literarnih delih prikazuje posameznike, etnične Korejce, ki živijo in sobivajo z japonsko družbo. Delo GO (2000) je njegovo poglavitno...
This thesis concentrates on literary works written by writers belonging to the resident Korean minor...
V diplomski nalogi raziskujem, na kakšen način se japonska manga uvršča v umetnost. Zanima me njen p...
1. Korean residents are found all over the world. Especially, Many of them live in the southern part...
Četudi je bilo o literaturi japonskega avtorja Mishima Yukia napisanih veliko monografij in analiz p...
Bakalaura darbs “Ziemeļkorejiešu diaspora Japānā 21. gadsimtā: Kazuki Kaneširo romāna “Go” analīze” ...
Ardiny Triya Amaliah, Diskriminasi terhadap zainichi dalam novel GO karya Kazuki Kaneshiro (????) :...
Penelitian ini berjudul Cinta dan Penindasan: Pemicu Aktualisasi Diri Tokoh Sugihara dalam Novel GO ...
Expressive approach on this novel was conducted to proof scholars' opinions about the themes that Ka...
This thesis uses techniques of comparative literature aiming to ascertain whether the culture of a c...
Literature text is born among society. It contains its author’s history of life within the society....
The proposed paper focuses on an approach to the selected works by Endō Shūsaku from the perspective...
This study analyzes the function and significance of Zainichi ethnic education in the era of multicu...
This paper examines how Japanese literature studies in Indonesia developed. I analyzed titles of the...
Kako se navodi u njenom naslovu, predmet ove disertacije biće romani Kazua Išigura, obrađeni po hron...
As a famous contemporary writer, Murakami Haruki has a wide-reaching influence throughout the world,...
This thesis concentrates on literary works written by writers belonging to the resident Korean minor...
V diplomski nalogi raziskujem, na kakšen način se japonska manga uvršča v umetnost. Zanima me njen p...
1. Korean residents are found all over the world. Especially, Many of them live in the southern part...
Četudi je bilo o literaturi japonskega avtorja Mishima Yukia napisanih veliko monografij in analiz p...
Bakalaura darbs “Ziemeļkorejiešu diaspora Japānā 21. gadsimtā: Kazuki Kaneširo romāna “Go” analīze” ...
Ardiny Triya Amaliah, Diskriminasi terhadap zainichi dalam novel GO karya Kazuki Kaneshiro (????) :...
Penelitian ini berjudul Cinta dan Penindasan: Pemicu Aktualisasi Diri Tokoh Sugihara dalam Novel GO ...
Expressive approach on this novel was conducted to proof scholars' opinions about the themes that Ka...
This thesis uses techniques of comparative literature aiming to ascertain whether the culture of a c...
Literature text is born among society. It contains its author’s history of life within the society....
The proposed paper focuses on an approach to the selected works by Endō Shūsaku from the perspective...
This study analyzes the function and significance of Zainichi ethnic education in the era of multicu...
This paper examines how Japanese literature studies in Indonesia developed. I analyzed titles of the...
Kako se navodi u njenom naslovu, predmet ove disertacije biće romani Kazua Išigura, obrađeni po hron...
As a famous contemporary writer, Murakami Haruki has a wide-reaching influence throughout the world,...
This thesis concentrates on literary works written by writers belonging to the resident Korean minor...
V diplomski nalogi raziskujem, na kakšen način se japonska manga uvršča v umetnost. Zanima me njen p...
1. Korean residents are found all over the world. Especially, Many of them live in the southern part...