Kozmetična in farmacevtska industrija sta področji, na katerih se nenehno in v koraku s tehnološkimi napredki in globalnimi smernicami razvijajo nove kakovostne in učinkovite formulacije. Predvsem kozmetična industrija se je v zadnjih letih usmerila v bolj trajnostne, čiste in naravne izdelke z zmanjšano vsebnostjo pomožnih snovi v topikalnih formulacijah. Nova različica klasičnih emulzij, ki za stabilizacijo ne potrebuje emulgatorjev, temveč le trdne koloidne delce, ki se umestijo na medfazno površino in tako znižajo medfazno napetost, so Pickering emulzije. Slednje manj dražijo kožo v primerjavi s klasičnimi emulzijami, so biokompatibilne, imajo boljšo permeabilnost skozi kožo in z njimi lažje dosegamo nadzorovano sproščanje. Površino del...
The objectives of this thesis are to enhance the understanding of the particle behaviour at fluid in...
Colloidal particles and surfactants are commonly used, either individually or combined, as stabilise...
In many applications such as cosmetics, emulsions are largely developed thanks to organic surfactant...
Le génie des produits formulés propose une démarche pour essayer de comprendre et contrôler le lien ...
The stabilization of emulsions can be realized using the solid particles instead of emulsifier molec...
This doctoral thesis highlights the most interesting experimental results achieved between 2015 and ...
The manufacturing of stable emulsion is a very important challenge for the cosmetic industry, which ...
L’objectif de cette étude est de valoriser des coproduits végétaux tout en proposant une alternative...
The main objective of this thesis is to create an understanding of how surface functionalized colloi...
Emulsje kosmetyczne stanowią jedną z najliczniejszych grup kosmetyków obecnych na rynku. Stosowane s...
La stabilisation dite de Pickering repose sur l'utilisation de particules solides au lieu des émulsi...
Pickering emulsions are systems composed of two immiscible fluids, which are stabilized by solid org...
Sustavi u kojima je jedna tvar raspršena u drugoj nazivaju se disperzni sustav, a njihova podjela ov...
V kozmetiki pogosto uporabljamo emulzije. Ker so termodinamsko nestabilne, nas zanima, kateri parame...
Typical Pickering emulsions accumulate particles to form a robust colloidal layer at an immiscible l...
The objectives of this thesis are to enhance the understanding of the particle behaviour at fluid in...
Colloidal particles and surfactants are commonly used, either individually or combined, as stabilise...
In many applications such as cosmetics, emulsions are largely developed thanks to organic surfactant...
Le génie des produits formulés propose une démarche pour essayer de comprendre et contrôler le lien ...
The stabilization of emulsions can be realized using the solid particles instead of emulsifier molec...
This doctoral thesis highlights the most interesting experimental results achieved between 2015 and ...
The manufacturing of stable emulsion is a very important challenge for the cosmetic industry, which ...
L’objectif de cette étude est de valoriser des coproduits végétaux tout en proposant une alternative...
The main objective of this thesis is to create an understanding of how surface functionalized colloi...
Emulsje kosmetyczne stanowią jedną z najliczniejszych grup kosmetyków obecnych na rynku. Stosowane s...
La stabilisation dite de Pickering repose sur l'utilisation de particules solides au lieu des émulsi...
Pickering emulsions are systems composed of two immiscible fluids, which are stabilized by solid org...
Sustavi u kojima je jedna tvar raspršena u drugoj nazivaju se disperzni sustav, a njihova podjela ov...
V kozmetiki pogosto uporabljamo emulzije. Ker so termodinamsko nestabilne, nas zanima, kateri parame...
Typical Pickering emulsions accumulate particles to form a robust colloidal layer at an immiscible l...
The objectives of this thesis are to enhance the understanding of the particle behaviour at fluid in...
Colloidal particles and surfactants are commonly used, either individually or combined, as stabilise...
In many applications such as cosmetics, emulsions are largely developed thanks to organic surfactant...