V zaključni seminarski nalogi se bom ukvarjala z razvojem muzejske pedagogike v Sloveniji. Ob upoštevanju splošnih smernic razvoja se bom osredotočila zlasti na koncepte, teorije in pristope, ki se uporabljajo v slovenskih umetnostnih muzejih in galerijah.In this bachelor’s thesis I will look at the historical development of museum education in Slovenia. I will focus mainly on the theories, concepts and practices in Slovenian art museums and galleries
Kako pri učencih spodbuditi samostojno in kritično mišljenje, vedoželjnost, opazovanje predmetov in ...
Muzeji so bogat vir znanja. Po podatkih Statističnega urada Republike Slovenije (SURS, 2020) je v Sl...
The diploma thesis focuses on education in a gallery environment. It is divided into theoretical and...
V diplomskem delu se predstavlja muzeje na Slovenskem ter njihove muzejske zbirke kot del slovenske ...
Museums have an important connection with history and with our past. They keep and help us interpret...
The thesis focuses on forms of education in the environment of the Museum of South Bohemia in Ceske ...
Skozi zgodovino sta se vloga in funkcija muzejev veliko spreminjali. V današnjem času se muzeji sreč...
Through history the role and the function of museums have changed greatly. Nowadays museums have bee...
This Bachelor theses aims at an elaboration of the educational programme about folk-customs and trad...
At the School of Museology, a project with ten years of tradition, we carry out module-based program...
POVZETEK Diplomsko delo z naslovom »Likovno pedagoške delavnice v Muzeju narodne osvoboditve Maribo...
Muzejske ustanove osim svoje kulturne, imaju i obrazovnu funkciju koja se sve više razvija zahvaljuj...
In thesis I focus on the current position of art gallery and museum education, which is influenced b...
In thesis I focus on the current position of art gallery and museum education, which is influenced b...
Cadernos de SociomuseologiaAt the School of Museology, a project with ten years of tradition, we car...
Kako pri učencih spodbuditi samostojno in kritično mišljenje, vedoželjnost, opazovanje predmetov in ...
Muzeji so bogat vir znanja. Po podatkih Statističnega urada Republike Slovenije (SURS, 2020) je v Sl...
The diploma thesis focuses on education in a gallery environment. It is divided into theoretical and...
V diplomskem delu se predstavlja muzeje na Slovenskem ter njihove muzejske zbirke kot del slovenske ...
Museums have an important connection with history and with our past. They keep and help us interpret...
The thesis focuses on forms of education in the environment of the Museum of South Bohemia in Ceske ...
Skozi zgodovino sta se vloga in funkcija muzejev veliko spreminjali. V današnjem času se muzeji sreč...
Through history the role and the function of museums have changed greatly. Nowadays museums have bee...
This Bachelor theses aims at an elaboration of the educational programme about folk-customs and trad...
At the School of Museology, a project with ten years of tradition, we carry out module-based program...
POVZETEK Diplomsko delo z naslovom »Likovno pedagoške delavnice v Muzeju narodne osvoboditve Maribo...
Muzejske ustanove osim svoje kulturne, imaju i obrazovnu funkciju koja se sve više razvija zahvaljuj...
In thesis I focus on the current position of art gallery and museum education, which is influenced b...
In thesis I focus on the current position of art gallery and museum education, which is influenced b...
Cadernos de SociomuseologiaAt the School of Museology, a project with ten years of tradition, we car...
Kako pri učencih spodbuditi samostojno in kritično mišljenje, vedoželjnost, opazovanje predmetov in ...
Muzeji so bogat vir znanja. Po podatkih Statističnega urada Republike Slovenije (SURS, 2020) je v Sl...
The diploma thesis focuses on education in a gallery environment. It is divided into theoretical and...