Czas zamknięcia szkół i placówek oświatowych w czasie pandemii COVID-19 odsłonił istniejące nierówności społeczne pod względem dostępu do usług edukacyjnych i terapeutycznych w Polsce. Wprowadzenie obowiązkowego nauczania na odległość spowodowało, iż znaczna liczba uczniów (pochodzących z ubogich obszarów lub domów) ma utrudniony dostęp do nauki ze względu na ograniczone możliwości korzystania z nowych technologii oraz Internetu. W szczególnie trudnej sytuacji są osoby o specjalnych potrzebach rozwojowych i edukacyjnych oraz ich rodziny . Wiele z tych rodzin jest w niekorzystnej sytuacji ekonomicznej ze względu na duże koszty, jakie ponoszą na rehabilitację i różne terapie. W niniejszym artykule została opisana edukacja specjalna i terapia ...
The Covid19 pandemic has changed the day-to-day behaviour of society in many aspects, including educ...
Cel naukowy: na podstawie wyników z polskich i międzynarodowych badań celem artykułu jest pokazanie,...
The aim of the article is to reconstruct and interpret how teachers coped with new challenges in the...
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has particularly affected pupils with intellectual and multiple ...
The aim of the publication is to present selected results of the research on distance education of ...
The aim of the article is to diagnose the emotional condition of teachers in the context of the educ...
The article presents the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical education in Poland, with partic...
It is estimated that over the last year, on-line teaching or various variants of hybrid teaching cov...
The article is a presentation of the results of the research carried out in the Social Welfare Home ...
Szacuje się, iż w ciągu ostatniego roku nauczaniem zdalnym bądź różnymi wariantami nauczania hybryd...
The aim of the article is to present the results of research on distance education conducted during ...
The article presents information on the adaptation of the study process to the needs of selected gr...
The article presents the results of preliminary research connected with the students’ experience of ...
The current study aimed to investigate whether there are any differences between school teachers and...
The aim of this article is to analyze distance learning, which was introduced in Poland during the C...
The Covid19 pandemic has changed the day-to-day behaviour of society in many aspects, including educ...
Cel naukowy: na podstawie wyników z polskich i międzynarodowych badań celem artykułu jest pokazanie,...
The aim of the article is to reconstruct and interpret how teachers coped with new challenges in the...
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has particularly affected pupils with intellectual and multiple ...
The aim of the publication is to present selected results of the research on distance education of ...
The aim of the article is to diagnose the emotional condition of teachers in the context of the educ...
The article presents the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical education in Poland, with partic...
It is estimated that over the last year, on-line teaching or various variants of hybrid teaching cov...
The article is a presentation of the results of the research carried out in the Social Welfare Home ...
Szacuje się, iż w ciągu ostatniego roku nauczaniem zdalnym bądź różnymi wariantami nauczania hybryd...
The aim of the article is to present the results of research on distance education conducted during ...
The article presents information on the adaptation of the study process to the needs of selected gr...
The article presents the results of preliminary research connected with the students’ experience of ...
The current study aimed to investigate whether there are any differences between school teachers and...
The aim of this article is to analyze distance learning, which was introduced in Poland during the C...
The Covid19 pandemic has changed the day-to-day behaviour of society in many aspects, including educ...
Cel naukowy: na podstawie wyników z polskich i międzynarodowych badań celem artykułu jest pokazanie,...
The aim of the article is to reconstruct and interpret how teachers coped with new challenges in the...