Introduction. A huge literature is available regarding the efficacy of various physiotherapy techniques for neck pain (NP), however, comparative study is still in scarcity. Therefore, this study aimed to compare effectiveness of stretching exercises versus manual mobilization techniques in the management of NP. Material and method. A randomized controlled trial parallel-group design study was conducted on the patients suffering from NP. Participants with the history of NP, aged between 19 to 60 years, NP without radiculopathy, and no history of trauma were included in the study. Two outcome measures were used i.e., Numeric pain rating scale (NPRS) and neck pain disability index (NDI) questionnaire. Two groups were equally divided had twe...
WOS: 000268316700005PubMed ID: 19565156Objective: To determine the efficacy of neck stabilization ex...
Background: Manual therapy according to the School of Manual Therapy Utrecht (MTU) is a specific typ...
Abstract Background Recurrent or persistent neck pain affects a vast number of people globally, lead...
► neck pain ► spinal manipulation ► physical therapy ► exercise ► mobilization therapy Abstract Stud...
The aim of this research is to compare different joint mobilization techniques for pain and function...
Background. Scientists say neck pain is a global health disorder that changes a person’s quality of ...
PubMed ID: 19565156Objective: To determine the efficacy of neck stabilization exercises in the manag...
Objective: To determine whether neck manipulation is more effective for neck pain than mobilization....
Background Neck disorders are common, disabling and costly. The effectiveness of exercise as a physi...
Title: Comparison of the effectiveness of manual therapy and therapy using exercises in muscle postu...
Background: Neck pain (NP) is a significant contributor to worldwide disability and poses a consider...
BACKGROUND: Neck pain is a common medical problem resulting from any diseases or biomechanical distu...
Background: Cervical pain is a common condition and almost two thirds of population suffers with thi...
Abstract Background Manual therapy according to the School of Manual Therapy Utrecht (MTU) is a spec...
PURPOSE: Compare the effect of conventional static stretching and muscle chain stretching, as propos...
WOS: 000268316700005PubMed ID: 19565156Objective: To determine the efficacy of neck stabilization ex...
Background: Manual therapy according to the School of Manual Therapy Utrecht (MTU) is a specific typ...
Abstract Background Recurrent or persistent neck pain affects a vast number of people globally, lead...
► neck pain ► spinal manipulation ► physical therapy ► exercise ► mobilization therapy Abstract Stud...
The aim of this research is to compare different joint mobilization techniques for pain and function...
Background. Scientists say neck pain is a global health disorder that changes a person’s quality of ...
PubMed ID: 19565156Objective: To determine the efficacy of neck stabilization exercises in the manag...
Objective: To determine whether neck manipulation is more effective for neck pain than mobilization....
Background Neck disorders are common, disabling and costly. The effectiveness of exercise as a physi...
Title: Comparison of the effectiveness of manual therapy and therapy using exercises in muscle postu...
Background: Neck pain (NP) is a significant contributor to worldwide disability and poses a consider...
BACKGROUND: Neck pain is a common medical problem resulting from any diseases or biomechanical distu...
Background: Cervical pain is a common condition and almost two thirds of population suffers with thi...
Abstract Background Manual therapy according to the School of Manual Therapy Utrecht (MTU) is a spec...
PURPOSE: Compare the effect of conventional static stretching and muscle chain stretching, as propos...
WOS: 000268316700005PubMed ID: 19565156Objective: To determine the efficacy of neck stabilization ex...
Background: Manual therapy according to the School of Manual Therapy Utrecht (MTU) is a specific typ...
Abstract Background Recurrent or persistent neck pain affects a vast number of people globally, lead...