Copyright: © 2020 The Author(s). Peter Manson (1969-) is a poet and translator of poetry from Glasgow. He is the author of several volumes of poetry including For the Good of Liars (Barque Press, 2006), Between Cup and Lip (Miami University Press, 2008), English in Mallarmé (Blart Books, 2014) and Poems of Frank Rupture (Sancho Panza, 2014), and of the prose-work Adjunct: an Undigest (Edinburgh Review 2006; ubuweb 2001). Recent poetry includes Factitious Airs (Zarf editions, 2017) and a collaboration with Mendoza, WINDSUCKERS & ONSETTERS: SONNOTS for Griffiths (MATERIALS, 2018). Manson is also a translator of poetry from French: his translation of Stéphane Mallarmé’s Poesies, twenty-five years in the making, was published as Stéphane Mallar...