In 2010 some domination of musical and opera theatres over dtramatic ones could be observed, as these institutions managed Polish theatrical life in the most interesting way. Pasażerka (The Passenger) by M. Weinberg directed by D. Pountney and Traviata by G. Verdi directed by M. Treliński in Teatr Wielki were spectacles that again demonstrated the importance of this growing rank of theatrical life. Premieres of Nędznicy (Les Misérables) by C.M. Schönberg directed by W. Kępczyński in Musical Theatre Roma in Warsaw and Lalka (The Doll) of B. Prus, directed by W. Kościelniak in Musical Theatre in Gdynia presented two types of musical theatre in Poland: the entertaining and sophistically artistic ones. In 2010 some premieres were presented by ...