There is usually no information about permissible error of current transformers in modes succeed by large relative short-circuit current, at which microprocessor-based protections operate stably. By this reason, it is necessary to use data, defined for analog relays. It leads to value appreciation of a project because it is often essential to reduce current transformers’ error in case of a short circuit fault. Therefore, it is necessary to define the value of current transformers’ error, permitted for impedance relays. Conclusions of fundamental and applied sciences (mathematical analysis, theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, theory of simulation), analytical methods of researching nonlinear circuits and digital signal process...
Distance relays are used for the protection of transmission lines in electric power systems. These r...
A significant part of severe accidents (blackouts) in electric power systems (EPS) is associated wit...
As we know short circuits are an inevitable phenomenon for the electrical power system. These damage...
There is usually no information about permissible error of current transformers in modes succeed by ...
Saturation of current transformers due to slowly decaying primary current D.C. components cause erro...
Recent advances in microelectronics has enabled the use of micro-processors in distance protection o...
This master’s thesis is about setting of distance protections. The first part is focused on a brief ...
All types of relay protection are based on comparing the values for certain attributes under a syste...
Current and voltage signals recieved from conventional iron core Current Transformer (CT) and Voltag...
Growing demand of electrical energy leads to the increasingly complex nature of electrical power sys...
Special attention is paid to high-speed relay protections’ operation in transient modes due to a num...
Current differential protection principle is superior in terms of sensitivity and speed of operation...
Abstract: One of today's trends is continuously increasing the number and the power ratings of ...
M. Tech. Electrical EngineeringInvestigates the reasons behind the poor performance of distance rela...
Previous researchers have concentrated their effortson the theoretical development of digital protec...
Distance relays are used for the protection of transmission lines in electric power systems. These r...
A significant part of severe accidents (blackouts) in electric power systems (EPS) is associated wit...
As we know short circuits are an inevitable phenomenon for the electrical power system. These damage...
There is usually no information about permissible error of current transformers in modes succeed by ...
Saturation of current transformers due to slowly decaying primary current D.C. components cause erro...
Recent advances in microelectronics has enabled the use of micro-processors in distance protection o...
This master’s thesis is about setting of distance protections. The first part is focused on a brief ...
All types of relay protection are based on comparing the values for certain attributes under a syste...
Current and voltage signals recieved from conventional iron core Current Transformer (CT) and Voltag...
Growing demand of electrical energy leads to the increasingly complex nature of electrical power sys...
Special attention is paid to high-speed relay protections’ operation in transient modes due to a num...
Current differential protection principle is superior in terms of sensitivity and speed of operation...
Abstract: One of today's trends is continuously increasing the number and the power ratings of ...
M. Tech. Electrical EngineeringInvestigates the reasons behind the poor performance of distance rela...
Previous researchers have concentrated their effortson the theoretical development of digital protec...
Distance relays are used for the protection of transmission lines in electric power systems. These r...
A significant part of severe accidents (blackouts) in electric power systems (EPS) is associated wit...
As we know short circuits are an inevitable phenomenon for the electrical power system. These damage...