A new domination parameter in a fuzzy digraph is proposed to espouse a contribution in the domain of domination in a fuzzy graph and a directed graph. Let GD*=V,A be a directed simple graph, where V is a finite nonempty set and A=x,y:x,y∈V,x≠y. A fuzzy digraph GD=σD,μD is a pair of two functions σD:V→0,1 and μD:A→0,1, such that μDx,y≤σDx∧σDy, where x,y∈V. An edge μDx,y of a fuzzy digraph is called an effective edge if μDx,y=σDx∧σDy. Let x,y∈V. The vertex σDx dominates σDy in GD if μDx,y is an effective edge. Let S⊆V, u∈V\S, and v∈S. A subset σDS⊆σD is a dominating set of GD if, for every σDu∈σD\σDS, there exists σDv∈σDS, such that σDv dominates σDu. The minimum dominating set of a fuzzy digraph GD is called the domination number of a fuzzy ...