Militārā joma vēsturiski un sociāli tiek definēta kā tradicionāli vīrišķīga – tā ir, iespējams, viena no arhetipiski vīrišķīgākajām sociālajām struktūrām Rietumu sabiedrībā (Segal 1995). Taču militārajā dienestā un karadarbībā tik un tā sastopamas arī sievietes. Šajā bakalaura darbā pētīta 23 sieviešu pieredze, kuras visas dienē vai dienējušas Kanādas Bruņotajos spēkos (KBS) pēdējo četrdesmit gadu laikā. Šo sieviešu pieredze apkopota daļēji strukturētās intervijās, kas veiktas gan klātienē, gan rakstiskā formātā. Izmantojot Pjēra Burdjē teoriju par maskulīno dominanci un Reivinas Konelas koncepciju par maskulīno hegemoniju, darbā esmu pētījusi, kā sievietes pieredz militāro vidi caur dzimtē balstītu prizmu un kā attieksmes un prakses militā...
Artykuł został poświęcony służbie wojskowej kobiet w Siłach Zbrojnych RP. Przedstawiono w nim, jak n...
Since the integration of women into the United States armed forces, servicemen have been expected to...
The purpose of this study is to examine how female soldiers view their role as soldiers and what the...
The military profession has always been regarded as a typical male profession. This understanding is...
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas moterų pasirinkimas profesionalią tarnybą kariuomenėje. Jau nuo seniausių l...
Glavni cilj ovog rada je prikazati sociološku misao i razloge zanemarivanja tematike rata, nasilja i...
The theoretical part of bachelor's thesis is focused on the explanation of basic concepts gender, ge...
ArticleCopyright © The Author(s) 2015, by European Consortium for Political Research, SAGE Publicati...
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to explore current position of women in army and combat roles. In...
Title: To keep yourself to unwritten rules: Military womens experiences in an organization of male d...
Based on interviews with female combat soldiers, we explore what role conceptions of femininity ...
In spite of the totalitarian rule the U.S. military has over soldiers’ lives, many members of the ar...
Since the military plays a vital role in Russian society, it is also of central importance in the pr...
Šio straipsnio tikslas – ištirti moterų karių karjeros galimybes Lietuvos kariuomenėje. Straipsnyje ...
The IDF (Israel Defence Forces) is an important part in many Israelis lives since there is a mandato...
Artykuł został poświęcony służbie wojskowej kobiet w Siłach Zbrojnych RP. Przedstawiono w nim, jak n...
Since the integration of women into the United States armed forces, servicemen have been expected to...
The purpose of this study is to examine how female soldiers view their role as soldiers and what the...
The military profession has always been regarded as a typical male profession. This understanding is...
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas moterų pasirinkimas profesionalią tarnybą kariuomenėje. Jau nuo seniausių l...
Glavni cilj ovog rada je prikazati sociološku misao i razloge zanemarivanja tematike rata, nasilja i...
The theoretical part of bachelor's thesis is focused on the explanation of basic concepts gender, ge...
ArticleCopyright © The Author(s) 2015, by European Consortium for Political Research, SAGE Publicati...
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to explore current position of women in army and combat roles. In...
Title: To keep yourself to unwritten rules: Military womens experiences in an organization of male d...
Based on interviews with female combat soldiers, we explore what role conceptions of femininity ...
In spite of the totalitarian rule the U.S. military has over soldiers’ lives, many members of the ar...
Since the military plays a vital role in Russian society, it is also of central importance in the pr...
Šio straipsnio tikslas – ištirti moterų karių karjeros galimybes Lietuvos kariuomenėje. Straipsnyje ...
The IDF (Israel Defence Forces) is an important part in many Israelis lives since there is a mandato...
Artykuł został poświęcony służbie wojskowej kobiet w Siłach Zbrojnych RP. Przedstawiono w nim, jak n...
Since the integration of women into the United States armed forces, servicemen have been expected to...
The purpose of this study is to examine how female soldiers view their role as soldiers and what the...