Išēmisks insults ir plaši pazīstama kompleksa patoloģija, kas būtiski samazina indivīda dzīves kvalitāti. Ir pieejama plaša literatūra par akūtajā išēmiska insulta stadijā notiekošiem procesiem, un viens no tiem ir neiroiekaisums. Taču ir limitēta izpratne par neiroiekaisuma procesu norisi išēmiska insulta subakūtajā stadijā. Šajā darbā noskaidrojam, vai subakūti pēc eksperimentāla išēmiska insulta modeļdzīvnieku smadzeņu išēmiskas serdes un penumbra zonā norisinās mikroglioze un astroglioze. Iegutie rezultāti norāda uz to, ka mikroglioze notiek abās pētāmās zonās, savukārt astrogliozes process nav aktivēts. Lai noskaidrotu, cik būtiska ir mikroglijas aktivācijas loma nepieciešama detalizētāka mikrogliozes procesu izpēte išēmiska insulta...
Inflammation seems to play a major role in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke as well as in other f...
After ischemic stroke, in the lesion core as well as in the ischemic penumbra, evolution of tissue d...
Inflammation seems to play a major role in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke as well as in other f...
Insults ir otrais galvenais nāves un visbiežākais invaliditātes cēlonis visā pasaulē. Išēmisks insul...
Insults ir viens no biežāk sastopamajiem mirstības un invaliditātes cēloņiem pasaulē. Lielākā daļa (...
Viens no galvenajiem nāves cēloņiem pasaulē ir išēmisks insults. Tā akūtā stadijā novēro apoptozi, p...
Stroke and in this case cerebral infarction affects 20 million people each year and five million of ...
U imunosne stanice sa sposobnošću fagocitoze spadaju makrofagi koji se nalaze u cijelom tijelu, dok...
U imunosne stanice sa sposobnošću fagocitoze spadaju makrofagi koji se nalaze u cijelom tijelu, dok...
U imunosne stanice sa sposobnošću fagocitoze spadaju makrofagi koji se nalaze u cijelom tijelu, dok...
Many endogenous, exogenous and systemic factors individually can lead to occlusive vessel pathology ...
After ischemic stroke, in the lesion core as well as in the ischemic penumbra, evolution of tissue d...
Insults ir viens no biežākajiem mirstības un invaliditātes cēloņiem pasaulē. Išēmisks insults jeb ce...
After ischemic stroke, in the lesion core as well as in the ischemic penumbra, evolution of tissue d...
Introduction: Stroke is caused from the occlusion of any cerebral artery leading to cerebral ischemi...
Inflammation seems to play a major role in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke as well as in other f...
After ischemic stroke, in the lesion core as well as in the ischemic penumbra, evolution of tissue d...
Inflammation seems to play a major role in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke as well as in other f...
Insults ir otrais galvenais nāves un visbiežākais invaliditātes cēlonis visā pasaulē. Išēmisks insul...
Insults ir viens no biežāk sastopamajiem mirstības un invaliditātes cēloņiem pasaulē. Lielākā daļa (...
Viens no galvenajiem nāves cēloņiem pasaulē ir išēmisks insults. Tā akūtā stadijā novēro apoptozi, p...
Stroke and in this case cerebral infarction affects 20 million people each year and five million of ...
U imunosne stanice sa sposobnošću fagocitoze spadaju makrofagi koji se nalaze u cijelom tijelu, dok...
U imunosne stanice sa sposobnošću fagocitoze spadaju makrofagi koji se nalaze u cijelom tijelu, dok...
U imunosne stanice sa sposobnošću fagocitoze spadaju makrofagi koji se nalaze u cijelom tijelu, dok...
Many endogenous, exogenous and systemic factors individually can lead to occlusive vessel pathology ...
After ischemic stroke, in the lesion core as well as in the ischemic penumbra, evolution of tissue d...
Insults ir viens no biežākajiem mirstības un invaliditātes cēloņiem pasaulē. Išēmisks insults jeb ce...
After ischemic stroke, in the lesion core as well as in the ischemic penumbra, evolution of tissue d...
Introduction: Stroke is caused from the occlusion of any cerebral artery leading to cerebral ischemi...
Inflammation seems to play a major role in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke as well as in other f...
After ischemic stroke, in the lesion core as well as in the ischemic penumbra, evolution of tissue d...
Inflammation seems to play a major role in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke as well as in other f...