Gaismas kvalitatīvais sastāvs ietekmē karotinoīdu un fenolu savienojumu biosintēzē iesaistīto gēnu regulēšanu ar fotoreceptoru starpniecību. Audzējot tomātus zem atšķirīga spektrālā sastāva gaismas avotiem, iespējams, varētu panākt atšķirīgu bioloģiski aktīvo savienojumu uzkrāšanos. Šajā maģistra darbā četru dažādu šķirņu tomātus audzēja zem trīs spektrāli atšķirīgiem gaismas avotiem – LED, indukcijas un augstspiediena nātrija lampām. Likopēna, beta-karotīna un fenolu savienojumu, kā nozīmīgu savienojumu tomātu kvalitātes un uzturvērtības nodrošināšanā, uzkrāšanos, atkarībā no izmantotā gaismas avota, tomātu augļos noteica spektrofotometriski. Iegūtie rezultāti liecina, ka gaismas kvalitatīvajam sastāvam uz darbā pētīto bioloģiski aktīvo sa...
The objective of our study was to characterise the growth of tomato seedlings under various light sp...
This article was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Open Access Publication F...
Tomato cultivation in the greenhouse can be facilitated by supplemental light. We compared the combi...
Rajĉica se uzgaja radi ploda. Ima vrlo visoku hranidbenu vrijednost a zbog visokog sadrţaja likopena...
Rajĉica se uzgaja radi ploda. Ima vrlo visoku hranidbenu vrijednost a zbog visokog sadrţaja likopena...
Šviesa yra vienas svarbiausių aplinkos veiksnių, reguliuojančių augalų fotosintezės sistemą, vystymą...
Plodovi paradižnika so pomemben vir likopena, beta karotena, vitamina C in E, mineralov, fenolnih sp...
International audienceUnderstanding how greenhouse crops respond to supplemental lighting with light...
Relevance and methods. We studied the influence of LED lighting of different spectral composition on...
Understanding how greenhouse crops respond to supplemental lighting with light-emitting diodes (LEDs...
Understanding how greenhouse crops respond to supplemental lighting with light-emitting diodes (LEDs...
V doktorski disertaciji smo preučili vpliv emitirane svetlobe svetlečih diod na vsebnosti bioaktivni...
V doktorski disertaciji smo preučili vpliv emitirane svetlobe svetlečih diod na vsebnosti bioaktivni...
Vegetables and fruits are the essential part of balanced diet; they are good source of phytonutrient...
This article was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Open Access Publication F...
The objective of our study was to characterise the growth of tomato seedlings under various light sp...
This article was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Open Access Publication F...
Tomato cultivation in the greenhouse can be facilitated by supplemental light. We compared the combi...
Rajĉica se uzgaja radi ploda. Ima vrlo visoku hranidbenu vrijednost a zbog visokog sadrţaja likopena...
Rajĉica se uzgaja radi ploda. Ima vrlo visoku hranidbenu vrijednost a zbog visokog sadrţaja likopena...
Šviesa yra vienas svarbiausių aplinkos veiksnių, reguliuojančių augalų fotosintezės sistemą, vystymą...
Plodovi paradižnika so pomemben vir likopena, beta karotena, vitamina C in E, mineralov, fenolnih sp...
International audienceUnderstanding how greenhouse crops respond to supplemental lighting with light...
Relevance and methods. We studied the influence of LED lighting of different spectral composition on...
Understanding how greenhouse crops respond to supplemental lighting with light-emitting diodes (LEDs...
Understanding how greenhouse crops respond to supplemental lighting with light-emitting diodes (LEDs...
V doktorski disertaciji smo preučili vpliv emitirane svetlobe svetlečih diod na vsebnosti bioaktivni...
V doktorski disertaciji smo preučili vpliv emitirane svetlobe svetlečih diod na vsebnosti bioaktivni...
Vegetables and fruits are the essential part of balanced diet; they are good source of phytonutrient...
This article was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Open Access Publication F...
The objective of our study was to characterise the growth of tomato seedlings under various light sp...
This article was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Open Access Publication F...
Tomato cultivation in the greenhouse can be facilitated by supplemental light. We compared the combi...