This sepia toned picture postcard features a large naval destroyer docked with six smaller naval destroyers alongside it. Two small watercraft are pictured in the water to the left of the group of ships. The handwritten title in the upper right reads The Sea Hard Dobbin. The back of the postcard identifies the item as a postcard and provides indication for correspondence, address, and postage stamp placement. The description in the lower left corner reads U. S. S. Dobbin--Destroyer with destroyers along side. Capt. Robert Henderson, U.S.N. Commanding Officer. Comdr. Carl C. Krakow U.S.N. Executive Officer. Length 483 feet 10 inches Beam 61 Feet Mean Draft 21 feet Displacement 10,600 tons Horsepower 7,000 Speed 16 knots Officers 50 Crew 4...