Cannot make out anything other than Date. Paper too badly faded and ink had bled through from following letter
Documentation that he has received 6 Special Warrants issued by the State in 1894https://scholarsjun...
Peeling green cover with visible red spine.
Commendation Letter could also be a recommendation letter
Paper badly faded and ink had bled through from following letter.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.ed...
Commendation Letter
Declining his request
Peeling green cover with a white label reading J. M. Stone Personal Letter Book Beginning December ...
Recommendation Letter
Paying $17.30 for the feed shipped to Iuka
Recommendation letter
Recommendation Letter
Allowing for a retake of the ballot on their petition due to a misunderstandinghttps://scholarsjunct...
Convening the Magnolia Lodge in Biloxi on the 8th of September to lay the corner stones of three dif...
Sending $24.50
Paying Dues on stock $60
Documentation that he has received 6 Special Warrants issued by the State in 1894https://scholarsjun...
Peeling green cover with visible red spine.
Commendation Letter could also be a recommendation letter
Paper badly faded and ink had bled through from following letter.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.ed...
Commendation Letter
Declining his request
Peeling green cover with a white label reading J. M. Stone Personal Letter Book Beginning December ...
Recommendation Letter
Paying $17.30 for the feed shipped to Iuka
Recommendation letter
Recommendation Letter
Allowing for a retake of the ballot on their petition due to a misunderstandinghttps://scholarsjunct...
Convening the Magnolia Lodge in Biloxi on the 8th of September to lay the corner stones of three dif...
Sending $24.50
Paying Dues on stock $60
Documentation that he has received 6 Special Warrants issued by the State in 1894https://scholarsjun...
Peeling green cover with visible red spine.
Commendation Letter could also be a recommendation letter