Talks to him about the issue and includes 3 letters that he may use as he sees fit
Letting Hurt know that the letter had been sent. Also explained that the delay in sending the lette...
Recommendation Letter, and Commendation letter
Politics, silver/ currency issue
Talks to him about the issue and includes 3 letters that he may use as he sees fithttps://scholarsju...
Asking him for advice on the who else he should contact for supporthttps://scholarsjunction.msstate....
Thank you for support and advice
Payment, discussed issue had with a stove
Thank you letter
Commendation Letter
Letter of endorsement
Thank you for support and advice
Commendation Letter
A letter from Lee to J. H. Connell regarding his delay in dealing with Mr. W. A. Smith. March 9, 189...
Thank you for support and Politics
Letting Hurt know that the letter had been sent. Also explained that the delay in sending the lette...
Recommendation Letter, and Commendation letter
Politics, silver/ currency issue
Talks to him about the issue and includes 3 letters that he may use as he sees fithttps://scholarsju...
Asking him for advice on the who else he should contact for supporthttps://scholarsjunction.msstate....
Thank you for support and advice
Payment, discussed issue had with a stove
Thank you letter
Commendation Letter
Letter of endorsement
Thank you for support and advice
Commendation Letter
A letter from Lee to J. H. Connell regarding his delay in dealing with Mr. W. A. Smith. March 9, 189...
Thank you for support and Politics
Letting Hurt know that the letter had been sent. Also explained that the delay in sending the lette...
Recommendation Letter, and Commendation letter
Politics, silver/ currency issue