Illustration of leaves and flowers around title
Title surrounded by leaves and vines
Illustration of red flowers in each corner and title in center
Title surrounded by two flowers on vines
Illustrative border around title and composer name
Illustration of tangles of motifs that create title
Illustration of flowers and vines bordering the title
Illustration of flowers, stems, and leaves surrounding various titleshttps://scholarsjunction.msstat...
Title with three-dimensional border
Title bordered by symbols
Illustration of branches and leaves around various music titles
Border of blue flowers around title
Illustration of flowers in vase
Title surrounded by stems, leaves, and flowers
Illustration of flowers surrounding various titles
Illustration of leaves and flowers around title
Title surrounded by leaves and vines
Illustration of red flowers in each corner and title in center
Title surrounded by two flowers on vines
Illustrative border around title and composer name
Illustration of tangles of motifs that create title
Illustration of flowers and vines bordering the title
Illustration of flowers, stems, and leaves surrounding various titleshttps://scholarsjunction.msstat...
Title with three-dimensional border
Title bordered by symbols
Illustration of branches and leaves around various music titles
Border of blue flowers around title
Illustration of flowers in vase
Title surrounded by stems, leaves, and flowers
Illustration of flowers surrounding various titles
Illustration of leaves and flowers around title
Title surrounded by leaves and vines
Illustration of red flowers in each corner and title in center