No cover art
Man leaning on light post in alleyway
Illustration of a swamp with the moon shining in the background
Green cover with photograph of The Three Aces
Illustration of tree in bloom
Illustrated window view of ocean
Photograph of Johnnie Ray
Illustration of man in rain coat and umbrella
Man and woman walking through rose garden in rain
Photographs of Tom Waring, Fred Waring, Poley McClintock, Rosemary and Pricilla Lane, Johnnie Davis,...
Photograph of Ginny Simms in rain
Illustration of umbrella filled with roses on a walkway surrounded by roses and trees in backgroundh...
Illustration of different shapes, stars, music notes
Illustration of balcony; Photo of woman
Illustration of rain drops and wiper in motion
No cover art
Man leaning on light post in alleyway
Illustration of a swamp with the moon shining in the background
Green cover with photograph of The Three Aces
Illustration of tree in bloom
Illustrated window view of ocean
Photograph of Johnnie Ray
Illustration of man in rain coat and umbrella
Man and woman walking through rose garden in rain
Photographs of Tom Waring, Fred Waring, Poley McClintock, Rosemary and Pricilla Lane, Johnnie Davis,...
Photograph of Ginny Simms in rain
Illustration of umbrella filled with roses on a walkway surrounded by roses and trees in backgroundh...
Illustration of different shapes, stars, music notes
Illustration of balcony; Photo of woman
Illustration of rain drops and wiper in motion
No cover art
Man leaning on light post in alleyway
Illustration of a swamp with the moon shining in the background