Illustration of palm tree and water behind it
Text only; Tan background
Silhouette of sailboat in water next to palm tree
Picture of beach with people and small house all on it
River with river boats; Men standing near trees on shoreline
Illustrated window view of ocean
Illustration of sunset on beach
Illustration of flowers and leaves; Birds on stems from flowers
Three small boxes with tropical scenes.
Landscape in an oval
Illustration of the sun setting over a body of water.
Illustration of sailboat on ocean at night; Illustration of mermaidshttps://scholarsjunction.msstate...
Illustration of coastal scene
Photograph of trees next to porch
Tan cover with orange writing
Illustration of palm tree and water behind it
Text only; Tan background
Silhouette of sailboat in water next to palm tree
Picture of beach with people and small house all on it
River with river boats; Men standing near trees on shoreline
Illustrated window view of ocean
Illustration of sunset on beach
Illustration of flowers and leaves; Birds on stems from flowers
Three small boxes with tropical scenes.
Landscape in an oval
Illustration of the sun setting over a body of water.
Illustration of sailboat on ocean at night; Illustration of mermaidshttps://scholarsjunction.msstate...
Illustration of coastal scene
Photograph of trees next to porch
Tan cover with orange writing
Illustration of palm tree and water behind it
Text only; Tan background
Silhouette of sailboat in water next to palm tree