The 20th century had witnessed two devastating wars, and mankind has suffered the effects unleashed by the two wars. It is a well-acknowledged fact that the entire world was affected by the effects of the First World War, considered to be one of the largest wars in history. The psychological and physical wounds inflicted upon mankind by the disastrous consequences of the War have provided many writers with the material for their literary works. As literature, fiction in particular, is considered an effective medium to portray the evil effects of war on mankind; the writers of the postcolonial era have resorted to express their anti-war sentiments through their works. David Malouf, a prominent Australian writer of the contemporary times, has...
The aim of this extended essay is to state the effects of events taking place and changing life sta...
This essay takes its cue from Butler's notion of precariousness, delineated in her study Precarious ...
Australian readers consumed with great interest the fruits of the war books boom that began in Europ...
The purpose of this study is to show that Malouf's novels embody a historical fact that the author a...
Responses to war in Australian fiction have not been confined to military conflict, to so-called war...
In 'The Middle Parts of Fortune' (1929)—perhaps the best narrative of the Great War—Australian autho...
This article uses a discussion of David Malouf's novel ;An Imaginary Life' to explore notions of exi...
This article uses a discussion of David Malouf's novel 'An Imaginary Life' to explore the way that A...
Philip Neilsen sees that in Malouf’s works ‘nationality’ or ‘Australian-ness’ are the most prominent...
Philip Neilsen sees that in Malouf’s works ‘nationality’ or ‘Australian-ness’ are the most prominent...
This personal reading of David Malouf's poetry during fifty years ranges from his earliest dramatic ...
In an historical analysis of language and the ideologies which underwrite it, Michel Pecheux argues ...
A variety of major works treating the experience of war have emerged in Australia. Usually they have...
The paper Human connection in Red badge of Courage sought to reestablish the notion that humanity su...
Deposited with permission of the author. © 1999 Bart ZiinoDebates over 'the' experience of Australi...
The aim of this extended essay is to state the effects of events taking place and changing life sta...
This essay takes its cue from Butler's notion of precariousness, delineated in her study Precarious ...
Australian readers consumed with great interest the fruits of the war books boom that began in Europ...
The purpose of this study is to show that Malouf's novels embody a historical fact that the author a...
Responses to war in Australian fiction have not been confined to military conflict, to so-called war...
In 'The Middle Parts of Fortune' (1929)—perhaps the best narrative of the Great War—Australian autho...
This article uses a discussion of David Malouf's novel ;An Imaginary Life' to explore notions of exi...
This article uses a discussion of David Malouf's novel 'An Imaginary Life' to explore the way that A...
Philip Neilsen sees that in Malouf’s works ‘nationality’ or ‘Australian-ness’ are the most prominent...
Philip Neilsen sees that in Malouf’s works ‘nationality’ or ‘Australian-ness’ are the most prominent...
This personal reading of David Malouf's poetry during fifty years ranges from his earliest dramatic ...
In an historical analysis of language and the ideologies which underwrite it, Michel Pecheux argues ...
A variety of major works treating the experience of war have emerged in Australia. Usually they have...
The paper Human connection in Red badge of Courage sought to reestablish the notion that humanity su...
Deposited with permission of the author. © 1999 Bart ZiinoDebates over 'the' experience of Australi...
The aim of this extended essay is to state the effects of events taking place and changing life sta...
This essay takes its cue from Butler's notion of precariousness, delineated in her study Precarious ...
Australian readers consumed with great interest the fruits of the war books boom that began in Europ...