Cartoon drawn by Joseph L. Parrish (1905-1989) of the Nashville Tennessean in 1932 showing Memphis, Tennessee, political boss E.H. Crump (1874-1954) arm-in-arm with two African Americans; one identified as prominent Memphis businessman and Republican Party organizer Robert R. Church, Jr. (1885-1952) and the other as Negro Herder . Crump is holding a money bag with the words Rake-off from Bootleggers, Dive Keepers, Gangsters, etc. written on it and his clothing is made of money. The three are heading in the direction of a sign reading To The White Man\u27s Primary . The cartoon has Birds of a Feather written at the top and I am honor and character! at the bottom. Opponents of Crump\u27s candidate in the Democratic gubernatorial ...