Las tics en las Mypes del sector culinario de la ciudad de Tingo María, 2017

  • Aguirre-Caldas, Johann
Publication date
June 2019
Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizan - Escuela de Posgrado


This investigation contains the systematized report on the Influence of the ICT in the benefit of the MSEs of the culinary sector in Tingo María city, 2017, and it is a contribution to the scientific research. The objective was to analyze the way in which the use of ICT influence in improving the service satisfaction of the MSEs in the culinary sector in Tingo María city. The purpose of the applied method had the purpose was the analysis and interpretation of the results, where the descriptive - correlational design of non - experimental type was used, we worked with a sample of 15 restaurants, selected by the type of convenience sampling or by intentional selection, who answered the questionnaire. When we analyze the results it is conclude...

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