John wrote to his wife, Susan, address unknown, but likely New York, NY. John sent the letter to Susan via Mr. De La Forest because he was faster than the post. John spoke of very hot weather. John worried about Susan\u27s anxiety. He was very lonely without Susan and Peter. He commented that Duer may die, rich, but at death every body get [sic] their own. He commented on scrip and monopolizers. De La Forest bought a house (Spruce Street near Fitzsimmons). He alluded to our good friend the secretary. John mentioned Susan\u27s charming cousins, nieces, etc., Lady Sterling, Watts, and Duer, Aunt Lawrence, Little Peggy, Mrs. McComb, Mr. Ramsay (scrip), her brother Philip and his wife Cornelia (en bonne point and now past the age of bearing...