Асимптотика решения бисингулярно возмущенной задачи Дирихле в кольце с квадратичным ростом на границе

  • Турсунов, Дилмурат Абдиллажанович
  • Эркебаев, Улукбек
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Publication date
April 2016
Южно-Уральский государственный университет


The Dirichlet problem for elliptic equations with a small parameter in the highest derivatives takes a unique place in mathematics. In general case it is impossible to build explicit solution to these problems, which is why the researchers apply different asymptotic methods. The aim of the research is to develop the asymptotic method of boundary functions for constructing complete asymptotic expansions of the solutions to such problems. The proposed generalized method of boundary functions differs from the matching method in the fact that the growing features of the outer expansion are actually removed from it and with the help of the auxiliary asymptotic series are fully included in the internal expansions, and differs from the classical m...

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