Values and Public Speaking: Examining the Efficacy of a Brief Acceptance-Based Intervention for Public Speaking Anxiety

  • Katz, Aviva
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Publication date
January 2015
Digital Collections @ Suffolk


Social anxiety Disorder (SAD), including public speaking (the most frequently endorsed social fear; Ruscio, Brown, Sareen, Stein, & Kessler, 2008), is prevalent, chronic, and can be vastly debilitating. Cognitive behavioral therapies (CBTs) have garnered substantial empirical support for the treatment of SAD (e.g., Norton & Price, 2007). Although effective in reducing social anxiety, they are not sufficient, as a significant proportion of patients, as many as 40-50%, do not respond to treatment (e.g., Hofmann & Bogels, 2006). This insufficiency may result from shortcomings in the underlying model of SAD. Specifically, CB models fail to account for the role experiential avoidance and values inaction may play in social anxiety related distres...

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