The multilayered surface waters of the Black Sea contain aerobic, suboxic and anoxic layers that support both photoautotrophic (PP) and chemoautotrophic (ChP) biological production. During the R/V Knorr cruise in May-June 2001, phytoplankton biomass (represented as chlorophyll-a), photo autotrophic and chemoautotrophic production (ChP) rates were determined in the western Black Sea. Integrated chlorophyll-a concentrations in the euphotic zone were as low as 2.2 mg m(-2) in the central gyre, while they were as high as 19.9mg m(-2) in the NW shelf region. Integrated photoautotrophic production rates ranged from 112 to 355mg C m(-2) d(-1). The lowest values were determined in the central gyre and the highest values were found at the shelf-brea...