This paper examines the origins and growing expansion of racism, eventually one of the most powerful social constructs within ideologies of hegemony with their regulatory function in determining which are and are not acceptable human social values and behaviors, categorized and hierarchized for the purpose of defining systems of power and privilege, inclusion and exclusion. It includes the discussion of one of its most perverse cognates, colorism that together with apparently less charged terms like xenophobia, chauvinism, and nationalism, partake the same germs of an ideology of white supremacy, hegemonic power, and privilege and can, unfortunately, be embraced even by its victims, anyone who finds himself/herself in a position of power, b...
The authors propose that the content of certain sociopolitical ideologies can be shaped by individua...
This theoretical essay aims to briefly problematize two of the discourses supporting racism that rev...
The deepest and most rooted form of racism can be found in the Bible which claims the superiority of...
The predominant interpretations of racismo today are located within what I call the “colonial paradi...
Along with issues like racism, sexism, and classism, colorism exists and works alongside these other...
The aim of the thesis is a psychoanalytic and group analytic theorization of racism in general and c...
[Abstract] As defined by the National Conference for Community and Justice, or the NCCJ, colorism is...
MONSMA, Karl. Como pensar o racismo: o paradigma colonial e a abordagem da sociologia histórica. Rev...
It is fascinating that the phenomenon of colorism, with such large scale and profound individual imp...
Abstract. Racism is a movement which regards superiority to the biological and genetic characteristi...
The contemporary anti-racist zeal is banning the word ‘race ’ of our everyday vocabulary. This pract...
ABSTRACT It is impossible in the present environment to ignore the role of ideas about Skin colour ...
The latest turn in the sociological study of white racism argues that the paradigm of color-blind ra...
textSince the 1970s, racial progress in the United States has stalled and in some ways, even regress...
Some current cultural anthropologists define race as a social construct, yet explorations of the soc...
The authors propose that the content of certain sociopolitical ideologies can be shaped by individua...
This theoretical essay aims to briefly problematize two of the discourses supporting racism that rev...
The deepest and most rooted form of racism can be found in the Bible which claims the superiority of...
The predominant interpretations of racismo today are located within what I call the “colonial paradi...
Along with issues like racism, sexism, and classism, colorism exists and works alongside these other...
The aim of the thesis is a psychoanalytic and group analytic theorization of racism in general and c...
[Abstract] As defined by the National Conference for Community and Justice, or the NCCJ, colorism is...
MONSMA, Karl. Como pensar o racismo: o paradigma colonial e a abordagem da sociologia histórica. Rev...
It is fascinating that the phenomenon of colorism, with such large scale and profound individual imp...
Abstract. Racism is a movement which regards superiority to the biological and genetic characteristi...
The contemporary anti-racist zeal is banning the word ‘race ’ of our everyday vocabulary. This pract...
ABSTRACT It is impossible in the present environment to ignore the role of ideas about Skin colour ...
The latest turn in the sociological study of white racism argues that the paradigm of color-blind ra...
textSince the 1970s, racial progress in the United States has stalled and in some ways, even regress...
Some current cultural anthropologists define race as a social construct, yet explorations of the soc...
The authors propose that the content of certain sociopolitical ideologies can be shaped by individua...
This theoretical essay aims to briefly problematize two of the discourses supporting racism that rev...
The deepest and most rooted form of racism can be found in the Bible which claims the superiority of...