Development and implementation of closed-loop position controllers in Beckhoff twinCAT 3 software

  • Komplet, Gregor
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Publication date
October 2021
G. Komplet


Izdelali in testirali smo različne tipe zaprto-zančnih položajnih regulatorjev za vodenje linearne osi. Dodatno smo jim dodali tudi feedforward regulacijo. Položajne regulatorje smo izdelali s pomočjo MATLAB – Simulinka. Izdelane regulatorje smo uvozili v obstoječ sistem Beckhoff TwinCAT 3, ki nam je krmilil linearno os. Regulatorje smo testirali glede na različne motnje. Odzive regulatorjev smo posneli ter jih primerjaliWe made and tested different types of closed-loop position controllers for linear axis guiding. Additionally we also added feed forward control. The controllers that were made with the help of MATLAB-Simulink were then imported into the already existing Beckhoff TwinCAT 3 system which then controlled the linear axis. The co...

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