The Jesuates settled in Venice in 1392, in the parrish of Sant'Agnese. In 1423 they begun to build the convent, and only at the end of the century in 1495 they could afford to erect the church, under the direction of the stone master Francesco Mandello. In 1500 the façade was designed by the architect Francesco Lurano, who in the next years (1505-1507) rebuilt also the convent. After the suppression of the order, in 1669 the area passed to the Dominicans and the architect Giorgio Massari was in charge of building a new church (1725-43) and a new convent (1750-71), which however remained unfinished. Thanks to the documents and drawings produced by the Dominicans in this time we are able reconstruct the aspect of the old convent and church of...