Starptautiskās attiecības - Eiropas studijasSocioloģija, politoloģija un antropoloģijaInternational Relations - European StudiesSociology, Politics and AnthropologyŠis darbs veltīts mūsdienu starptautisko attiecību aktuālajai tēmai – Gruzijas attiecības ar Eiropas Savienību. Šajā bakalaurā darbā tika pievērsta uzmanība Gruzijas ārpolitiskas identitātei un faktoriem, kas ietekmē integrāciju Eiropas Savienībā. Tika analizēta Gruzijas ārpolitiskā stratēģija, izvirzīti konkrēti mērķi un uzdevumi savas ārpolitiskās identitātes sasniegšanai. Tika iegūta izpratne par to, ka Gruzija ir izvēlējusies savu ārpolitikas identitāti kā Rietumu identitāti. Darba autors ir apskatījis sociālā konstruktīvisma teorētiskās pieejas attiecībā uz Gruzijas ārpoliti...
Bu çalışmanın konusu; Gürcistan'ı tüm yönleri ile irdelemek, Güney Kafkasya Bölgesindeki gelişmeleri...
The bachelor's thesis analyzes Russia's foreign policy towards Georgia, especially in the post-South...
Má bakalářská práce se zabývá zahraniční politikou Gruzie a jejími vztahy s Ruskou federací zejména ...
Gruzijos noras prisijungti prie Europos Sąjungos vyrauja jau kelis dešimtmečius. Ji identifikuoja sa...
The paper explores the basic socio-economic and political processes, which were going on in Georgia ...
Celem mojej pracy licecjackiej jest opisanie sytuacji Gruzji na arenie międzynarodowej. Praca jest p...
The thesis explores Europeanization process in Georgia during the period from 2003 to 2014. It analy...
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate Georgia’s European integration within the period of 2016-2020 ...
The aim of following diploma thesis is research on the relationship between state identity and forei...
Gruzijas izdevīgs izvietojums noteica lielu uzmanību no ārējo spēku puses pret valsti. Gruzija kļuva...
Currently, the European Union holds a significant position in the ongoing integration and globalizat...
In my bachelor thesis I decided to deal with foreign political influences on the political developme...
We strive to show the direction of the Georgian foreign policy, which is fully oriented towards Euro...
In general, Georgians strongly support their leaders' decision to opt for a European identity and fo...
With this publication, the author attempts to research the issues of conflict prevention and resolut...
Bu çalışmanın konusu; Gürcistan'ı tüm yönleri ile irdelemek, Güney Kafkasya Bölgesindeki gelişmeleri...
The bachelor's thesis analyzes Russia's foreign policy towards Georgia, especially in the post-South...
Má bakalářská práce se zabývá zahraniční politikou Gruzie a jejími vztahy s Ruskou federací zejména ...
Gruzijos noras prisijungti prie Europos Sąjungos vyrauja jau kelis dešimtmečius. Ji identifikuoja sa...
The paper explores the basic socio-economic and political processes, which were going on in Georgia ...
Celem mojej pracy licecjackiej jest opisanie sytuacji Gruzji na arenie międzynarodowej. Praca jest p...
The thesis explores Europeanization process in Georgia during the period from 2003 to 2014. It analy...
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate Georgia’s European integration within the period of 2016-2020 ...
The aim of following diploma thesis is research on the relationship between state identity and forei...
Gruzijas izdevīgs izvietojums noteica lielu uzmanību no ārējo spēku puses pret valsti. Gruzija kļuva...
Currently, the European Union holds a significant position in the ongoing integration and globalizat...
In my bachelor thesis I decided to deal with foreign political influences on the political developme...
We strive to show the direction of the Georgian foreign policy, which is fully oriented towards Euro...
In general, Georgians strongly support their leaders' decision to opt for a European identity and fo...
With this publication, the author attempts to research the issues of conflict prevention and resolut...
Bu çalışmanın konusu; Gürcistan'ı tüm yönleri ile irdelemek, Güney Kafkasya Bölgesindeki gelişmeleri...
The bachelor's thesis analyzes Russia's foreign policy towards Georgia, especially in the post-South...
Má bakalářská práce se zabývá zahraniční politikou Gruzie a jejími vztahy s Ruskou federací zejména ...