The complex vocalizations found in different bird species emerge from the interplay between morphological specializations and neuromuscular control mechanisms. In this work we study the dynamical mechanisms used by a nonlearner bird from the Americas, the suboscine Pitangus sulphuratus, in order to achieve a characteristic timbre of some of its vocalizations. By measuring syringeal muscle activity, air sac pressure, and sound as the bird sings, we are able to show that the birds of this species manage to lock the frequency difference between two sound sources. This provides a precise control of sound amplitude modulations, which gives rise to a distinct timbral property.Fil: Döppler, Juan Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient...
Birdsong is a learned motor behavior controlled by an interconnected structure of neural nuclei. Thi...
Singing in songbirds is a complex, learned behavior which shares many parallels with human speech. T...
In most animals that vocalize, control of fundamental frequency is a key element for effective commu...
During song production, oscine birds produce large air sac pressure pulses. During those pulses, ene...
Frequency modulation is a salient acoustic feature of birdsong. Its control is usually attributed to...
Vocal communication is an unique example,where the nonlinear nature of the periphery can giverise to...
The coordination of complex vocal behaviors like human speech and oscine birdsong requires fine inte...
Sonations are sounds that animals produce with structures other than the vocal apparatus for communi...
The way in which information about behavior is represented at different levels of the motor pathway,...
Birdsong assumes its complex and specific forms by the modulation of phonation in frequency and time...
Birdsong is a complex behavior, which results from the interaction between a nervous system and a bi...
The comprehension of motor activities that give rise to complex behavior are of great interest. A wi...
Because of the parallels found with human language production and acquisition, birdsong is an ideal ...
Birdsong is an active field of research in neuroscience, since songbirds learn their songs through a...
1. The contribution of syringeal muscles to controlling the pho-nology of song was studied by record...
Birdsong is a learned motor behavior controlled by an interconnected structure of neural nuclei. Thi...
Singing in songbirds is a complex, learned behavior which shares many parallels with human speech. T...
In most animals that vocalize, control of fundamental frequency is a key element for effective commu...
During song production, oscine birds produce large air sac pressure pulses. During those pulses, ene...
Frequency modulation is a salient acoustic feature of birdsong. Its control is usually attributed to...
Vocal communication is an unique example,where the nonlinear nature of the periphery can giverise to...
The coordination of complex vocal behaviors like human speech and oscine birdsong requires fine inte...
Sonations are sounds that animals produce with structures other than the vocal apparatus for communi...
The way in which information about behavior is represented at different levels of the motor pathway,...
Birdsong assumes its complex and specific forms by the modulation of phonation in frequency and time...
Birdsong is a complex behavior, which results from the interaction between a nervous system and a bi...
The comprehension of motor activities that give rise to complex behavior are of great interest. A wi...
Because of the parallels found with human language production and acquisition, birdsong is an ideal ...
Birdsong is an active field of research in neuroscience, since songbirds learn their songs through a...
1. The contribution of syringeal muscles to controlling the pho-nology of song was studied by record...
Birdsong is a learned motor behavior controlled by an interconnected structure of neural nuclei. Thi...
Singing in songbirds is a complex, learned behavior which shares many parallels with human speech. T...
In most animals that vocalize, control of fundamental frequency is a key element for effective commu...