Introduction. The article examines traditional themes in the epic repertoire of jangarchi Teltya Lidzhiev, a most talented and original jangarchi, and a performer of songs of the 20th-century prominent rhapsode Eelyan Ovla. Materials. The recordings of Kalmyk folklore made by associates of the Kalmyk Research Institute of Language, Literature and History (present-day KalmSC RAS) during field expeditions in the 1960s – 1990s contain one by the famous jangarchi Teltya Lidzhiev. The recording was made by N. Ts. Bitkeev during a folklore research trip across districts of Kalmykia in the summer of 1970. Goals. At present, thanks to the preserved records of the epic repertoire of jangarchi Teltya Lidzhiev, there is an opportunity to explo...