La presente tesi di dottorato riporta i risultati dell’indagine archeometrica condotta su ceramiche fenicie in Red Slip Ware (RSW), datati tra il secolo IX a.C. e l'inizio del V secolo a.C. I campioni provengono da Mozia (Sicilia-Italia), Sulky (Sardegna-Italia), Cadice (Spagna), Mogador (Marocco), Ramat-Rahel (Israele), Tas Silg (Malta) e Pantelleria (Italia). La caratteristica principale di questa classe ceramica è l'aspetto esterno, simile in tutti i contesti archeologici, caratterizzato da una decorazione rossa lucida. Lo scopo di questa tesi è di individuare parametri mineralogici, chimici e microstrutturali che possano essere utili per discriminare tra campioni di diversa origine, nonostante il loro aspetto esterno simile. Al fine...
Analisi archeometrica su ceramiche di età arcaica da Cartagine, Sardegna, Spagna e Ischia finalizzat...
This research is focused on the analysis of the earliest use of vitreous materials in Roman Age mosa...
Twenty Roman Age home-made sherds from Central Italian San Potito locality were studied by petrograp...
Following Phoenician technology through Red Slip Ware artifacts L. Fabrizi,1 A. Doménech-Carbó,2 ...
This study is focused on the Phoenician Red Slip Ware, a cultural and chronological marker, unearthe...
This study is focused on the Red Slip Ware from the archaeological site of Sulky (Sardinia, Italy), ...
This study examined a set of Red Slip Ware (RSW) from Cánovas del Castillo and a sector of the Phoen...
Excavations carried out in Cuma by the Centre Jean Bérard archaeologists have uncovered a large quan...
International audienceAfrican Red Slip wares (ARS) are among the most common classes found in Sicily...
Apulian red-figured pottery, one of the most important examples of ceramic handcraft prod...
Archaeological excavations carried out in the sites of Rione Terra and Via Fascione in Pozzuoli (anc...
Nel presente lavoro sono riportati i risultati di uno studio multianalitico finalizzato alla caratte...
This Ph.D. thesis reports on the results obtained by a research on the productive technology and the...
The archaeometric investigation of 46 potsherds of “Torre Alemanna type” pottery aimed to define a c...
I materiali studiati si datano tra la fine del XV ed il XVIII secolo e comprendono sia forme chiuse ...
Analisi archeometrica su ceramiche di età arcaica da Cartagine, Sardegna, Spagna e Ischia finalizzat...
This research is focused on the analysis of the earliest use of vitreous materials in Roman Age mosa...
Twenty Roman Age home-made sherds from Central Italian San Potito locality were studied by petrograp...
Following Phoenician technology through Red Slip Ware artifacts L. Fabrizi,1 A. Doménech-Carbó,2 ...
This study is focused on the Phoenician Red Slip Ware, a cultural and chronological marker, unearthe...
This study is focused on the Red Slip Ware from the archaeological site of Sulky (Sardinia, Italy), ...
This study examined a set of Red Slip Ware (RSW) from Cánovas del Castillo and a sector of the Phoen...
Excavations carried out in Cuma by the Centre Jean Bérard archaeologists have uncovered a large quan...
International audienceAfrican Red Slip wares (ARS) are among the most common classes found in Sicily...
Apulian red-figured pottery, one of the most important examples of ceramic handcraft prod...
Archaeological excavations carried out in the sites of Rione Terra and Via Fascione in Pozzuoli (anc...
Nel presente lavoro sono riportati i risultati di uno studio multianalitico finalizzato alla caratte...
This Ph.D. thesis reports on the results obtained by a research on the productive technology and the...
The archaeometric investigation of 46 potsherds of “Torre Alemanna type” pottery aimed to define a c...
I materiali studiati si datano tra la fine del XV ed il XVIII secolo e comprendono sia forme chiuse ...
Analisi archeometrica su ceramiche di età arcaica da Cartagine, Sardegna, Spagna e Ischia finalizzat...
This research is focused on the analysis of the earliest use of vitreous materials in Roman Age mosa...
Twenty Roman Age home-made sherds from Central Italian San Potito locality were studied by petrograp...