Experimental assessment of the performance of vitreous cutters with fluids with different rheological properties

  • Nepita I.
  • Repetto R.
  • Dodero A.
  • Vicini S.
  • Ferrara M.
  • Romano M. R.
  • Stocchino A.
Publication date
January 2021
Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Purpose: To assess the influence of rheological properties of an artificial vitreous (AV) on the performance of double-blade (DB) and single-blade (SB) guillotine vitreous cutters, with 23-, 25-, and 27-gauge (G) probes. Methods: We evaluate the aspiration flow rate, using an optical method, based on image processing. Experiments are conducted using ten viscoelastic vitreous phantoms, with different properties that are measured with rheological tests. Results: Aspiration rate strongly varies with fluid properties. Regardless of cutter geometry and operational conditions, the flow rate significantly decreases as vitreous viscosity and elasticity increase. Conclusions: All tested vitreous probes are very sensitive to changes in fluid rheology...

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