Construções de juventude, práticas democráticas e laços intergeracionais no escotismo católico contemporáneo na Argentina

  • Soledad Fernández, Natalia
Publication date
March 2018
Universidad Autonoma de Manizales


Objective: to understand the participation of young people in the Scouts de Argentina Asociación Civil (SAAC) in order to focus on constructions of youth, democratic practices and generational bonds between youth and adults.Methodology: this qualitative and descriptive study used participant observation, in-depth interviews and log file nalysis. Intensive field work, visits to Scouting groups and Scouts events in the metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina were performed.Results: youth is associated with the possibility of transforming the present time and the orientation towards the future in the SAAC. Democratic practices are capitalized by its members to make decisions about suitable features for the institution and the local commun...

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