U disertaciji se razmatra prisutnost specifičnoga ženskog govora (le parler femme) i ženskog pisma (l'écriture féminine) u opusu Oriane Fallaci te njihov odnos s autoricom kao stvarnom, izvantekstualnom osobom. Polazi se od spoznaja poststrukturalističke teorije teksta te psihoanalitičkog feminizma, koje se proširuju rezultatima istraživanja u području kognitivne lingvistike, pragmalingvistike i teorije roda. Pomnim čitanjem odabranih naslova iz Fallacinog opusa te lingvističkom analizom odabranih ulomaka opisat će se odnos ženskog, ženstvenog i tekstualnog. Na temelju kritičkoga čitanja teorijske literature i rezultata analize polaznih i ciljnih tekstova revidirat će se model ženskog pisma, koji će uvažiti i rezultate istraživanja u područ...
U ovoj se disertaciji problematizira pitanje humora u romanu slovenske, bosanskohercegovačke i hrvat...
Opera scholars have had something of a bounty in recent years. Opera in a Multicultural World: Colon...
This study is based on the twin exigencies of introducing the concept of abstract author into the sc...
U disertaciji se razmatra prisutnost specifičnoga ženskog govora (le parler femme) i ženskog pisma (...
Kraj 20. i početak 21. stoljeća zabilježio je pojavu novih trendova na scenama vodećih europskih kaz...
Page 1 2018 ACUADSAustralian Council of UniversityArt + Design SchoolsPerth, Western Australia27th ...
Gavin Steingo’s Kwaito’s Promise is an ethnographic monograph that “thinks with” kwaito, a black urb...
This study is based on the twin exigencies of introducing the concept of abstract author into the sc...
Esther Greenwood’s Alienation in Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar Dennisa Retviandra English Literature ...
Ubiquitous in airports, border checkpoints, and other securitised spaces throughout the world, full-...
Doktorska disertacija Modernizam figuralne plastike Koste Angelija Radovanija bavi se utvrđivanjem m...
In 1992, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker performed a laudable act for humanity: she becam...
Abstrak Patriarkiadalah salah satumasalahbesar bagisetiapwanita di dunia, masalah iniakhirnyadiwakil...
Crossing Places of Exile: Sewing the Fragments Back Together Martine Hovanessian Presentation text f...
U ovoj se disertaciji problematizira pitanje humora u romanu slovenske, bosanskohercegovačke i hrvat...
Opera scholars have had something of a bounty in recent years. Opera in a Multicultural World: Colon...
This study is based on the twin exigencies of introducing the concept of abstract author into the sc...
U disertaciji se razmatra prisutnost specifičnoga ženskog govora (le parler femme) i ženskog pisma (...
Kraj 20. i početak 21. stoljeća zabilježio je pojavu novih trendova na scenama vodećih europskih kaz...
Page 1 2018 ACUADSAustralian Council of UniversityArt + Design SchoolsPerth, Western Australia27th ...
Gavin Steingo’s Kwaito’s Promise is an ethnographic monograph that “thinks with” kwaito, a black urb...
This study is based on the twin exigencies of introducing the concept of abstract author into the sc...
Esther Greenwood’s Alienation in Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar Dennisa Retviandra English Literature ...
Ubiquitous in airports, border checkpoints, and other securitised spaces throughout the world, full-...
Doktorska disertacija Modernizam figuralne plastike Koste Angelija Radovanija bavi se utvrđivanjem m...
In 1992, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker performed a laudable act for humanity: she becam...
Abstrak Patriarkiadalah salah satumasalahbesar bagisetiapwanita di dunia, masalah iniakhirnyadiwakil...
Crossing Places of Exile: Sewing the Fragments Back Together Martine Hovanessian Presentation text f...
U ovoj se disertaciji problematizira pitanje humora u romanu slovenske, bosanskohercegovačke i hrvat...
Opera scholars have had something of a bounty in recent years. Opera in a Multicultural World: Colon...
This study is based on the twin exigencies of introducing the concept of abstract author into the sc...