Not AvailablePenaeid shrimps from nearshore waters in 5-12 m depth range are regularly exploited by plank built boats locally known as murivallan which operate mini - trawl (cod end mesh size 15-20 mm) along Alleppey coast in Kerala. Observations made for three seasons at Valanjavazhy (1994-97) and at Pallithode (2002-05) indicated that 935 t (cpue 42 kg) and 145 t (37kg) of shrimps were landed by mini-trawl at these centres respectively. The fishing season extended from September to MayIJune depending on the onset of monsoon. Parapenaeopsis stylifera and Metapenarus dobsoni were the main contributors to the shrimp fishery. While the former predominated (91%) the fishery at Valanjavazhi, both the species showed almost equal representa...